gradle-java-preprocessor-plugin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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a gradle adaptation of the Antenna preprocessor task for android


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The plugin is a gradle adaptation of the Antenna preprocessor task.

  • We can add custom task to handle the java source code.
  • The plugin expand the productFlavors config in Android plugin,it's auto add process tasks before android build tasks.


Add the following to your build.gradle:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath '' //use the latest version 
apply plugin: '' //''
apply plugin: '' //make sure to apply this plugin after the Android plugin


Config(above v0.0.6)

The global config is required.

preprocessor {
    verbose true
    sourceDir file("src/main/java") //required
    targetDir file("src/main/java") //required
    symbols "GLOBAL","GLOBAL_2" //symbols is  valid for each flavors

processor in productFlavors without sourceDir and targetDir,and you can use flavorDimensions.

flavorDimensions "money", "channel"
    productFlavors {

        xiaomi {
            processor.symbols "XIAOMI"
            dimension "money"

        huawei {
            processor.symbols "HUAWEI"
            dimension "channel"

        free {
            // uncomment to test process.
            // processor.symbols "FREE","PRINT"
            // processor.symbols "FREE","VERSION=1"
            processor.symbols "FREE","VERSION=5"
            dimension "channel"

        vip {
            processor.symbols "VIP"
            dimension "channel"

Config(0.0.5 and previous versions)

The global config is optional.

// global setting
preprocessor {
    verbose true //print the log message
    sourceDir file("src/main/java") //the root dir of java source files
    targetDir file("src/main/java") //the root dir to export the java source files
    groupName 'preprocessor' //the group name for plugin auto create tasks

Plugin adds processor to the Android plugin in productFlavors.You can define the processor argments for each flavor build.

productFlavors {
	free {
	    processor.symbols "FREE_VERSION" //define the symbols to java
	normal {
	    processor.symbols "NFREE_VERSION"
	    processor.sourceDir file("src/main/java") //this config override the global config
	    processor.targetDir file("src/main/java") //this config override the global config

Use macro in Java

We can add "macro" in java file,as

	Log.i("sample","I am Free Version");
	Log.i("sample","I am not Free Version");

Execute the task

The task would be auto executed before Android java Compile task,and we can execute it manually.

gradle preprocessFreeRelease

Finally,the file would be modify by plugin:

	Log.i("sample","I am Free Version");
//@		Log.i("sample","I am not Free Version");

Custom task

we can define the custom preprocessor task.

// custom task
task customProcessJavaTask( {
    sourceDir file("src/main/java")
    targetDir file("src/main/java")
    symbols "FREE_VERSION,PRINT" 
    verbose true