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Typescript types being added to creating potential overlap

Open ibgreen opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

@danmarshall I have been adding d.ts files to the repo. I just realized you had types for (parts of) here as well.

My ambition is to add typescript definition files for many remaining frameworks in place as well, ideally for the upcoming 8.2 release.

I'd like if this was done in a consistent way and also avoid conflicting with this effort.

Do you have some thoughts regarding best approach here?

Personally, I am more of a casual typescript user and not necessarily familiar with best practices.

CC: @pessimistress @xintongxia

ibgreen avatar Apr 09 '20 21:04 ibgreen

Hi @ibgreen , thanks for reaching out! The best place to put these is in your source repo, thanks so much for embracing this effort.

Some of these libs have a broad API, which can make a great amount of work. Feel free to pull anything out of this repo to make your work lighter as needed. As yours come online, we can point our references to yours, one by one. Eventually phasing this repo out :)

danmarshall avatar Apr 09 '20 22:04 danmarshall

Also, in case you don't already have this tool written by @pessimistress :

danmarshall avatar Apr 09 '20 22:04 danmarshall