moodle-local_recompletion copied to clipboard
Recompleiton message from site main adminstrator' email address
in most cases, I think the recompletion message should be sent from support email address, if support email address is not configured on Moodle, it should be sent from noreply email address, instead of site adminstrator's email address.
Dan, it seems that the local_recompletion not respect the setting "emailstop = 1" in the database. So when testing it, it sends emails to all users that is reset. In PROD it doesn't matter, but is this something you will fix? Else we can do it and send you the patch.
Else: this it a nice plugin and does the job!
Alf Martin Johnsen EFAKTOR AS
@efaktorgithub - the plugin uses the moodle core email_to_user function which is why the user profile field emailstop isn't used. Eloy covers this detail here:
it sounds like "emailstop" was probably the wrong name for that setting as it doesn't prevent email from being sent to the user.
(great to hear you find it useful!)