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ENMTools R Package
I noticed that if a user passes in a formula like this `presence ~ 0 + bio1` or `presence ~ bio1 -1`, the formula recasting (`f
And maybe add some data/predictor bootstrapping options too?
I discovered a cool new SDM method. Using a cox process model in the r-inla package (https://www.math.ntnu.no/inla/r-inla.org/tutorials/spde/spde-tutorial.pdf; see Chapter 4). r-inla uses integrated nested laplace approximation to fit a Bayesian...
It could be nice to have a single function called "interactive.plots" or something like that that takes models, species, and test results (when appropriate) and calls a dedicated interactive plot...
Suggested by Andrey Lissovsky: Maxent uses parameter of its temp directory (path="") and writes a number of files with identical names there. Maxent will work on parallel cores only if...
Currently I've got it set up on the RF branch to just set node labels to NULL within the function. That's not ideal, though; need to chase down what's going...
The p values on these tests are all using the correct empirical values, but the plots that are spit out seem to be using the training AUC in geographic space...