telegram-reddit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
telegram-reddit copied to clipboard

Unofficial Telegram Bot for Reddit

Telegram Bot for Reddit

This Telegram bot is the lightest way to explore reddit submissions, from any subreddit of the user's choosing.

It's a simple python project that ties together reddit's and Telegram's APIs, using PRAW and python-telegram-bot, respectively.

It was designed to be lightweight and more of viewer than a full-featured client.

If you want to try it out, it's up and running here

Deploy your own

To deploy your own bot, first follow Telegram's instructions to get your token. After than, make the necessary adjustments to, install dependencies in requirements.txt and execute

Note that this project requires a database to keep track of submissions that a user has already seen before (the database only stores the user's id number, meaning that this data is anonymous). It's in production with sqlite3, but it uses the dataset library, so you should be fine using any other database supported by dataset.