mdSilo-web icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mdSilo-web copied to clipboard

In-browser knowledge base on top of local plain-text files


A mind silo for storing ideas, thought, knowledge with a powerful writing tool. Desktop App is Here.


Welcome to mdSilo

mdSilo is a lightweight writing tool with WYSIWYG Markdown Editor. Available for Web, Linux, Windows and macOS. You can get the Desktop application here and enjoy more features.

  • ==Slash Commands== : Typing / will trigger a list of the commands;
  • ==Hovering Toolbar== : Styling the text when any selected;
  • ==Markdown shortcuts== : Bold, Italic, underline, inline code, and more:

Quoteblock: typing > to quote.

  • List: Typing - or * or 1. to create list.

  • Checklist: Typing `[]` to create todo-list.

    • [ ] todo-1
    • [x] done-1

You can insert tables

  • Insert table by typing /table and then select Table command;
  • You can add or remove column or row by floating table toolbar;
Features mdSilo Note Pricing
WYSIWYG Yes Live Preview: Markdown, Code, Math... Free
Writing Yes Slash Commands, Hovering Toolbar, Hotkeys Free
Table Yes Insert Table, Add or Remove Row or Culumn Free
Code Yes Code Block and Highlight Free
Math Yes Math Equation($LaTex$): inline or block Free
Callout Yes Information, Tips, Warning Free

You can insert code

  • Quickly add code using the ``` shortcut;
  • Insert code using /code and select Code Block command;
function main() {
  console.log("Hello World");

Try to change the language to see the changes on highlight.

You can insert math equations

  • Quickly add inline math using the $ and math block using $$ ;
  • Insert $\LaTeX$ equations using /math and select Math Equation command;

$$ x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} $$

You can insert callout

There are three types of editable blocks that can be used to callout information:

:::info Information: A WYSIWYG Markdown editor :::

:::tip Tip: Feel free to edit this page :::

:::warning Warning: Any changes will not be saved automatically. :::

You can insert image

  • Insert using ![caption](image_link)

A cat, Image credits: Dorota Dylka@unsplash

More is on the way

  • [ ] Linking: Backlink, …
  • [ ] Hashtag,
  • [ ] Embed media, web page, local image...
  • [ ] Operations: Open local file, Save, Export...

Any questions, feedback or suggestions?

You can follow us on Twitter or go to our Discord. We are waiting there for you.