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it's a templating language for clojure I guess?


It's a templating library for clojure, I guess?

This library (its functionality, not its code) is modeled after Django's templating library.

It isn't at feature parity yet, but I've used it successfully on a few projects.

I'll try to document it here, but you may get more out of Django's template docs ( than anything I can write.


[clabango "0.5"]

Major Concepts

Template basics

Templates are just a normal text files with embedded tags and filters and they can produce any text format, not just HTML. Templates are rendered with a context -- a hashmap -- which is used for variable interpolation and in most template tags.


Variables are one way to introduce dynamic content into what would otherwise be a plain text file. They're looked up as keywords in the context, and if missing then rendered as "", an empty string. Here's an example of a template snippet including a variable: Hello, my name is {{first-name}}!. When rendered with a context of {:first-name "Dan"} it will produce Hello, my name is Dan!.


Sometimes just including a variable as-is isn't enough, it may need to be modified. For this, we have filters. Filters are functions that operate on variables and return a transformation. For instance: {{first-name|upper}} rendered with a {:first-name "Dan"} would produce DAN.

Some filters take parameters. {{domain|hash:"md5"}} rendered with {:domain ""} would produce 1bdf72e04d6b50c82a48c7e4dd38cc69.

It's possible to define custom filters for your project.

(ns example.core
  (:require [clabango.filters :refer [deftemplatefilter]]
            [clabango.parser :refer [render]]))

(deftemplatefilter "prepend-hi" [node body arg]
  {:body (str "Hi, " body)})

(defn render-hi [name]
  (render "{{name|prepend-hi}}" {:name name}))

Calling (render-hi "Dan") would result in "Hi, Dan".

By default all content from variables is html-escaped. If you have some content you know is safe, you can exempt it from getting escaped by using the safe filter, like this: {{foo|safe}}.

Your custom template filter can return safe content by setting :safe? to true in the map it returns.

Here's a list of all the builtin template filters:


Calls .toUpperCase on the variable.

{{name|upper}} w/ {:name "Dan"} => DAN


Format a variable as a date string using joda time. The rules for date formats are here:

{{created-at|date:"yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss"}} w/ {:created-at (java.util.Date. 0)} => 1970-01-01_00:00:00


Compute a hash of the variable using one of a handful of algorithms (md5 | sha | |sha256 | sha384 | sha512).

{{domain|hash:"md5"}} w/ {:domain ""} => 1bdf72e04d6b50c82a48c7e4dd38cc69


Call clojure.core/count on the variable.

{{name|count}} w/ {:name "Dan"} => 3

{{items|count}} w/ {:items [1 2 3 4 5]} => 5


Returns the correct (English) pluralization based on the variable. This works with many words, but certainly not all (eg. foot/feet, mouse/mice, etc.)

{{items|count}} item{{items|pluralize}} w/ {:items []} => 0 items

{{items|count}} item{{items|pluralize}} w/ {:items [1]} => 1 item

{{items|count}} item{{items|pluralize}} w/ {:items [1 2]} => 2 items

{{fruit|count}} tomato{{fruit|pluralize:"es"}} w/ {:fruit []} => 0 tomatoes

{{fruit|count}} tomato{{fruit|pluralize:"es"}} w/ {:fruit [1]} => 1 tomato

{{fruit|count}} tomato{{fruit|pluralize:"es"}} w/ {:fruit [1 2]} => 2 tomatoes

{{people|count}} lad{{people|pluralize:"y,ies"}} w/ {:people []} => 0 ladies

{{people|count}} lad{{people|pluralize:"y,ies"}} w/ {:people [1]} => 1 lady

{{people|count}} lad{{people|pluralize:"y,ies"}} w/ {:people [1 2]} => 2 ladies


Render a clojure datastrucure into JSON.

{{data|to-json}} w/ {:data [1 2 3 {:a "b"}]} => [1,2,3,{"a":"b"}]

Remember, all content from variables is automatically html-escaped. If you want to get non-escaped JSON, use the safe filter.

{{data|to-json|safe}} w/ {:data [1 2 3 {:a "b"}]} => [1,2,3,{"a":"b"}]


Exempts the variable from being html-escaped.

{{data}} w/ {:data "<foo>"} => &lt;foo&gt;

{{data|safe}} w/ {:data "<foo>"} => <foo>


There are two types of tags: inline and block. block tags have a start and an end -- they operate on a block of text, but inline tags don't close, they're just statements.

It's possible to define custom tags, just like with filters.

(ns example.core
  (:require [clabango.tags :refer [deftemplatetag]]
            [clabango.parser :refer [render]]))

(deftemplatetag "foo" [nodes context]
  {:string (str "foo " (first (:args (first nodes))))
   :context context})

(deftemplatetag "repeat" "endrepeat" [nodes context]
  (let [repeat-times (first (:args (first nodes)))
        body-nodes (rest (butlast nodes))]
    {:nodes (repeat repeat-times body-nodes)}))

(defn render-foo []
  (render "{% foo quux %} {% foo baz %}" {}))

(defn render-repeat [name]
  (render "{% repeat 2 %}{{name}}{% endrepeat %}" {:name name}))

Calling (render-foo) would result in "foo quux foo baz".

Calling (render-repeat "Dan") would result in "Dan Dan".

Here's a list of the builtin tags:

include inline

Include another template into this one.

{% include "path/to/comments.html" %}

block/endblock block

This tag is used in template inheritance -- It defines a block that can be overridden in templates that extend this one. Or, if you're in a template that's extending a base template with blocks, create an override.

{% block foo %}This text can be overridden later{% endblock %}

extends inline

This tag is also used in template inheritance -- It defines the current template as inheriting from another.

{% extends "path/to/foo.html" %}

if/endif block

It's an if -- only render the body if the conditional is true.

{% if condition %}yes!{% endif %}

{% if condition %}yes!{% else %}no!{% endif %}

ifequal/endifequal block

Only render the body if the two args are equal (according to clojure.core/=).

{% ifequal foo bar %}yes!{% endifequal %}

{% ifequal foo bar %}yes!{% else %}no!{% endifequal %}

{% ifequal foo "this also works" %}yes!{% endifequal %}

for/endfor block

Render the body one time for each element in the list. Each "render" will introduce two extra variables into the context -- forloop.first and forloop.last.

{% for x in some-list %}element: {{x}} first? {{forloop.first}} last? {{forloop.last}}{% endfor %}

Template Inheritance

Clabango's template inheritance is modeled on Django's -- docs available here:

How to Call from Clojure


(ns example.core
  (:require [clabango.parser :refer [render-file]]))

(defn index [request]
  (render-file "example/templates/index.html" {:greeting "Hey!"}))


{{greeting}} Welcome to!


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