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Windows Phone 8/8.1 support (desktop ie10/11 and mobile ie10/11 supported)
Hello Daniel,
I've added wp8 support and so desktop ie10/11 as well as mobile ie10/11 to mgwt 2.0
I've tested against the latest showcase and it all seems to work well. The swap animation is not great but I think this is due to ie10 not supporting preserve-3d. I will fix this soonish. There is an issue with history management where on ie10/11 desktop the browser will sometimes disappear behind other windows (it performs as expected). This needs looking at. On WP8/8.1 you only see an issue on the About screen where the back button does not work yet if you click the header back button the browser leaves showcase and goes back to the previous web page. There is obviously an issue here. I've spent a good few hours trying to track it down but with no success so far.
Pointer events are by default set to be captured by the target element that receives the pointer down event. This is down using the pointer capture approach and not the built in GWT event capture method. This means we have the same behaviour as IOS and also can support multiple pointer events. Saying that I have not looked at multi-tap functionality yet e.g pinch and so may require some work.
FlexInputHelper has been enhanced to support IE10. As you know IE10 uses an inbetween specification of the flex model. The big differences are in IE10 flex items by default have a flex of 0 1 0%. I've changed it so all items will have a flex of 0 1 auto the default for the new standard.
However in IE10 if you set -ms-flex: 1 by default it will set the flex as 1 0 0%
For the new standard -webkit-flex: 1 by default will set the flex to 1 1 0%
Hence I've changed the FlexInputHelper for IE10 to copy the new standard. I've not updated the ie10 css sections to follow suit because it is all working okay but I think I will do to be thorough.
I've also fixed the emulation of masked images. I was seeing images disappear/reappear in IE10. Others reported similar issues on the user group on any client that did not support webkit masks (e.g. android < 4.4). It needed a callback to wait for the image to be loaded before transforming it.
Please can we start a review process and get this into the main trunk as soon as possible since a lot of files have been modified and I'm conscience of leaving this too long making the merge more difficult.
Many thanks. I'm happy to fix any issues anyone spots or include additional enhancements. The drive for this is we need to deploy our application on WP8/8.1 by the end of January so now is a good time to utilize my time.
One thing I forgot to mention:
Due to IE10 not dynamically applying the settings correctly when adding the meta tag viewport you have to add it yourself in the index.html file.
I fixed the issue with the IE10 wiindow disappearing behind other windows. For some reason if you call body.blur() this causes the problem. Hence had to modify blurBeforeAnimation so it did not call blur if the node is a body element.
There is still an issue with state management. When doing history.back to the index.html page it looks like ie10 refreshes the entire page.
On windows phone if you go to about page and then hit back it jumps to the previous web page before you loaded showcase.