Dan Rahm
Dan Rahm
Hello, Can you send me the TabMon logs? They are found here: \TabMon\Logs\TabMon.log.txt Once I have these I should be able to take a look. Thanks, Dan
Hello, Thank you for sending the logs. It looks like TabMon is running into a closed JMX ports. 2021-04-20 16:10:03,586 [5] DEBUG TabMon.Counters.MBean.MBeanClientFactory - Scanning JMX port(s) "8664, 8487" 2021-04-20...
Hello, TabMon will only scan the JMX ports to create JMX clients during the initialization phase of TabMon. If the JMX ports are closed and TabMon doesn't run into any...
It could be easier to convert .NET core. I haven't really looked into that though. I'll update this issue to reflect that option.
Hello @icaptnbob, So far I've worked a bit on the rewrite but there is still a lot to be done. I'll put any updates and progress in this issue. -Dan