surfplot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
surfplot copied to clipboard

A package for publication-ready brain surface figures


.. image:: :target:

surfplot is a flexible and easy-to-use package that makes publication-ready brain surface plots. Users can easily set the plot views and layout, add multiple data layers, draw outlines, and further customize their figure directly using matplotlib.

.. figure:: :target: :alt: example :align: center

Example Neurosynth association maps; see `Example 1`_

At its core, surfplot is simply a high-level interface to Brainspace's <>_ excellent surface plotting <>_ and manipulation <>_ capabilities, which are built on top of Visualization Toolkit (VTK) <>_. Surfaces are rendered with Brainspace and then embedded into a matplotlib figure for easy integration with typical plotting workflows. A big thank you to the Brainspace developers for making this package possible.

surfplot is designed around common use-cases for surface plotting and popular surface plotting software (e.g., Connectome Workbench <>_). surfplot also provides some additional utility functions to streamline the plotting process.

Getting started

Follow the Installation Instructions_ to install surfplot, and then check out the Tutorials and Examples_ to learn how to get up and running! Refer to the API reference_ for complete documentation.

Citing surfplot

Please cite the following if you use surfplot:

Gale, Daniel J., Vos de Wael., Reinder, Benkarim, Oualid, & Bernhardt, Boris. (2021). Surfplot: Publication-ready brain surface figures (v0.1.0). Zenodo.

Vos de Wael R, Benkarim O, Paquola C, Lariviere S, Royer J, Tavakol S, Xu T, Hong S-J, Langs G, Valk S, Misic B, Milham M, Margulies D, Smallwood J, Bernhardt BC. 2020. BrainSpace: a toolbox for the analysis of macroscale gradients in neuroimaging and connectomics datasets. Communications Biology. 3:103.

License information

This codebase is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license <>. The full license can be found in the LICENSE <> file in the surfplot distribution.


If you encounter problems or bugs with surfplot, or have questions or improvement suggestions, please feel free to get in touch via the Github issues <>_.

.. _Example 1: .. _Installation Instructions: .. _Tutorials and Examples: .. _API reference: