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General Modules for JAX


🥷 Ninjax: Flexible Modules for JAX

Ninjax is a general and practical module system for JAX. It gives users full and transparent control over updating the state of each module, bringing flexibility to JAX and enabling new use cases.


Ninjax provides a simple and general nj.Module class.

  • Modules can store state for things like model parameters, Adam momentum buffer, BatchNorm statistics, recurrent state, etc.

  • Modules can read and write their state entries. For example, this allows modules to have train methods, because they can update their parameters from the inside.

  • Any method can initialize, read, and write state entries. This avoids the need for a special build() method or @compact decorator used in Flax.

  • Ninjax makes it easy to mix and match modules from different libraries, such as Flax and Haiku.

  • Instead of PyTrees, Ninjax state is a flat dict that maps string keys like /net/layer1/weights to jnp.arrays. This makes it easy to iterate over, modify, and save or load state.

  • Modules can specify typed hyperparameters using the dataclass syntax.


Ninjax is a single file, so you can just copy it to your project directory. Or you can install the package:

pip install ninjax


import flax
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import ninjax as nj
import optax

# Supports all Flax and Haiku modules
Linear = nj.FromFlax(flax.linen.Dense)

class MyModel(nj.Module):

  lr: float = 0.01

  def __init__(self, size):
    self.size = size
    self.opt = optax.adam(
    # Define submodules upfront
    self.h1 = Linear(128, name='h1')
    self.h2 = Linear(128, name='h2')

  def predict(self, x):
    x = jax.nn.relu(self.h1(x))
    x = jax.nn.relu(self.h2(x))
    # Define submodules inline
    x = self.get('h3', Linear, self.size, use_bias=False)(x)
    # Create state entries inline
    x += self.get('bias', jnp.zeros, self.size)
    return x

  def train(self, x, y):
    # Gradient with respect to submodules or state entries
    keys = [self.h1, self.h2, f'{self.path}/h3', f'{self.path}/bias']
    loss, params, grads = nj.grad(self.loss, keys)(x, y)
    # Update weights
    optstate = self.get('optstate', self.opt.init, params)
    updates, optstate = self.opt.update(grads, optstate)
    new_params = optax.apply_updates(params, updates)
    self.put(new_params)  # Store the new params
    return loss

  def loss(self, x, y):
    return ((self.predict(x) - y) ** 2).mean()

# Create model and example data
model = MyModel(3, lr=0.01, name='model')
x = jnp.ones((64, 32), jnp.float32)
y = jnp.ones((64, 3), jnp.float32)

# Populate initial state from one or more functions
state = {}
state = nj.init(model.train)(state, x, y, seed=0)
print(state['model/bias'])  # [0., 0., 0.]

# Purify and jit one or more functions
train = nj.pure(model.train)
train = jax.jit(train)

# Training loop
for x, y in [(x, y)] * 10:
  state, loss = train(state, x, y)
  print('Loss:', float(loss))

# Look at the parameters
print(state['model/bias'])  # [-1.2e-09  1.8e-08 -2.5e-09]


How can I create state entries?

Ninjax gives modules full control over reading and updating their state entries. Use self.get(name, ctor, *args, **kwargs) to define state entries. The first call creates the entry as ctor(*args, **kwargs). Later calls return the current value:

class Module(nj.Module):

  def compute(self, x):
    init = jax.nn.initializers.variance_scaling(1, 'fan_avg', 'uniform')
    weights = self.get('weights', init, nj.rng(), (64, 32))
    bias = self.get('bias', jnp.zeros, (32,), jnp.float32)
    print(self.getm())  # {'/path/to/module/weights': ..., '/path/to/module/bias': ...}
    return x @ weights + bias

How can I update state entries?

To update the state entries of a module, use self.put(name, value) for individual entries of self.put(mapping) to update multiple values:

class Module(nj.Module):

  def counting(self):
    counter = nj.get('counter', jnp.zeros, (), jnp.int32)
    self.put('counter', counter + 1)
    print(self.get('counter'))  # 1
    state = self.getm()
    state['counter'] += 1
    print(self.getm()['counter'])  # 2
    print(self.get('counter'))  # 2

How can I use JIT compilation?

The nj.pure() function makes the state your JAX code uses explicit, so it can be transformed freely:

model = Model()
train = jax.jit(nj.pure(model.train))
params = {}
result, params = train(param, rng, ...)

Calling the pure function will create any parameters that are not yet in the params dictionary and return the new parameters alongside the function output.

You can speed up the first function call (where parameters are created) by using nj.jit instead of jax.jit. Internally, this avoids compiling two versions of the function.

How can I compute gradients?

You can use jax.grad as normal for computing gradients with respect to explicit inputs of your function. To compute gradients with respect to Ninjax state, use nj.grad(fn, keys):

class Module(nj.Module):

  def train(self, x, y):
    params = self.getm('.*')
    loss, grads = nj.grad(self.loss, params.keys())(x, y)
    params = jax.tree_map(lambda p, g: p - 0.01 * g, params, grads)

The self.getm(filter='.*') method optionally accepts a regex pattern to select only a subset of the state dictionary. It also returns only state entries of the current module. To access the global state, use nj.state().

How can I define modules compactly?

You can use self.get(name, ctor, *args, **kwargs) inside methods of your modules. When called for the first time, it creates a new state entry from the constructor ctor(*args, **kwargs). Later calls return the existing entry:

class Module(nj.Module):

  def __call__(self, x):
    x = jax.nn.relu(self.get('h1', Linear, 128)(x))
    x = jax.nn.relu(self.get('h2', Linear, 128)(x))
    x = self.get('h3', Linear, 32)(x)
    return x

How can I use Haiku modules?

There is nothing special about using external libraries with Ninjax. Haiku requires its modules to be passed through hk.transform and the initialized via transformed.init(rng, batch). For convenience, Ninjax provides nj.HaikuModule to do this for you:

class Module(nj.Module):

  def __init__(self):
    self.mlp = nj.HaikuModule(hk.nets.MLP, [128, 128, 32])

  def __call__(self, x):
    return self.mlp(x)

You can also predefine a list of aliases for Haiku modules that you want to use frequently:

Linear = functools.partial(nj.HaikuModule, hk.Linear)
Conv2D = functools.partial(nj.HaikuModule, hk.Conv2D)
MLP = functools.partial(nj.HaikuModule, hk.nets.MLP)
# ...

How can I use Flax modules?

There is nothing special about using external libraries with Ninjax. Flax requires its modules to be initialized via params = model.init(rng, batch) and used via model.apply(params, data). For convenience, Ninjax provides nj.FlaxModule to do this for you:

class Module(nj.Module):

  def __init__(self):
    self.linear = nj.FlaxModule(nn.Dense, 128)

  def __call__(self, x):
    return self.linear(x)

You can also predefine a list of aliases for Flax modules that you want to use frequently:

Dense = functools.partial(nj.FlaxModule, nn.Dense)
Conv = functools.partial(nj.FlaxModule, nn.Conv)
# ...

How can I use Optax optimizers?

There is nothing special about using external libraries like Optax with Ninjax. Optax requires its optimizers to be initialized, their state to be passed through the optimizer call, and the resulting updates to be applied. For convenience, Ninjax provides nj.OptaxModule to do this for you:

class Module(nj.Module):

  def __init__(self):
    self.mlp = MLP()
    self.opt = nj.OptaxModule(optax.adam, 1e-3)

  def train(self, x, y):
    self.mlp(x)  # Ensure paramters are created.
    metrics = self.opt(self.mlp.getm('.*'), self.loss, x, y)
    return metrics  # {'loss': ..., 'grad_norm': ...}

  def loss(self, x, y):
    return ((self.mlp(x) - y) ** 2).mean()


If you have a question, please file an issue.