aiogram-inline-paginations copied to clipboard
The "next" buttons in Paginator are not responding
I'm using aigoram stable version 2.25.1, so I installed aiogram-inline-paginations 0.1.9, instead of latest versions.
I iterate over a list of documents retrieved from the Firebase database.
@dp.callback_query_handler(lambda c: == "orders_list")
async def fresh_orders_manager(callback_query):
if in managers:
# Connecting to the Firebase collection
fresh_orders_ref = db.collection("orders")
# Querying the required values to get the list of documents
fresh_orders = fresh_orders_ref.where("status", "==", 0).get()
# If at least one document is found
if fresh_orders:
# Iterate through the documents
markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
for fresh_order in fresh_orders:
order_time = fresh_order.get('orderTime')
order_time = addons.time_dd_mm_hh_mm(order_time)
button_text = f'✳️ {order_time} | {fresh_order.get("name")} — @{fresh_order.get("telegram")}'
button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=button_text,
# Implementing Paginator
paginator = Paginator(data=markup, size=5)
await bot.send_message(,
text="*Orders List*",
# If no documents are found
await bot.send_message(,
text=f"There are no new orders.")
In general, it results in page switching buttons do not respond. No console errors as well.
Should I merge to the new aiogram version? Or that's not actually the reason?
Hello, please try Paginator(dp=dp)
paginator = Paginator(data=markup, size=5, dp=dp)
@daniilshamraev Unfortunately, it doesn't make any sense :(
In this case, wait for the update of the library, soon I will completely rework it, taking into account my new experience in development
Thank you for your contribution! I'm excited to see this. Will the new version be compatible with aiogram 2.x?
UPD: nevermind :) just read your comment in another issue. Wish you good luck with that!
triplenick, у меня было абсолютно точно также.
В консоли нашел ошибку, которая указывала на --->
_list_current_page = self._list_kb[current_page]
IndexError: list index out of range