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A Hearthstone: Heroes of WarCraft Simulator for the purposes of Machine Learning and Data Mining
How can I play, as a Human, against the Random Agent?
Added basic board state evaluation
Tried to add the replay function into my AI fork. This is an error I got, but I don't know if I messed something up or if it's a real...
Deck 1: Tinkmaster Overspark, Duplicate, Dancing Swords, Darkscale Healer, Silverback Patriarch, Novice Engineer, Shattered Sun Cleric, Stonesplinter Trogg, Harvest Golem, Gelbin Mekkatorque, Dragonling Mechanic, Water Elemental, River Crocolisk, War Golem,...
Sorry, I messed up and forgot the decks. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Ragowit\Documents\GitHub\mcts\hearthbreaker\uct.py", line 583, in UCTPlayGame m = UCT(rootstate = state, seconds = 12000, verbose =...
Because the list of all minions is in a different order every time the game is run, neptulon will choose different murlocs every time. Thus, the replay cannot guarantee accuracy.
Currently, spells that summon minions don't have def can_use(self, player, game): return super().can_use(player, game) and len(game.current_player.minions) < 7 You don't need enemy minions to use AoE Starfall, you don't need...
We can actually use a vanilla copy for everything if we re-work the event system to bind to objects and the methods to call on them separately, so that when...
I think there are only user-playable cards and heroes currently. What about implementing cards and heroes for naxxramas bosses?