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Library to animate Om components


Animation for Om components

NOTE: This is still alpha - the API should not yet be considered stable! Suggestions welcome.


In your project.clj file, add

[ominate "0.1.2"]

Then require the namespaces:

(require '[ominate.core :refer [ominate]]) - the API entry point.

(require '[ominate.easing :as ease]) - easing functions (optional, defaults to linear).

(require '[ominate.anims :as anims]) - pre-built animations (optional, defaults to fading opacity).


(ns example.core
  (:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
            [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
            [cljs.core.async :as async]
            [ominate.core :refer [ominate]]
            [ominate.easing :as ease]
            [ominate.anims :as anims]))

(def animate (async/chan))
(def app-state (atom {:message "Hello, this is a test component!"}))

(defn example-component [props owner opts]
    (dom/div #js {:style #js {:width 500 :height 300 :background-color "#00f"}
                  :onClick #(async/put! animate true)}
      (:message props))))

    {:ch animate          ; Channel used to trigger animation
     :duration 5000       ; Animation will take 5 seconds to complete
     :easing ease/sine-in ; Sine wave based easing function
     :anim anims/fade     ; Fade opacity of component 
     :repeat 2})          ; Repeat animation twice (total duration 10 seconds)
  {:target (. js/document (getElementById "example-id"))})



(defn ominate [component config]

Animate Om component component, applying options from map config. Wrap this function around the component you wish to animate before passing to om/build, om/build-all or om/root.

All config options options have reasonable defaults and can be omitted. The following options are available:

:ch - a core.async channel used to trigger animations.

:duration - the duration of the animation in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000.

:repeat - the number of times to repeat the animation. Defaults to 0. Note that the total length of time that the animation plays for will be :repeat times :duration.

:easing - the easing funciton to apply. Defaults to ease/linear.

:anim - the animation to play. Defaults to anims/fade.

:watch - a predicate function to apply to the app-state cursor: (fn [props] ...). When the cursor's state is modified and this function returns true, the animation will be triggered.

:notify - a function (fn [name] ...) that is called when the animation has completed.

:name - allows the animation to be named, so that notify functions can be used for multiple animations and tell which animation completed. Also appended to the om/IDisplayName string.


The default easing function is ease/linear.

Available easing funcitons are liner, quad-*, cube-*, quart-*, quint-*, sine-*, circular-*, exp-*, elastic-*, back-* and bounce-* where * can be one of in, out or in-out.

Easing functions are functions take take in a value between 0 and 1 and return a new modified value that is passed to the animations, eg (defn quad-in [v] (* v v)).

The animation can be reversed by composing the easing function with ease/reverse. For example: (comp ease/cube-in ease/reverse)

To play the animation one direction for the first half of the duration and then reverse the direction for the second half of the duration, compose the easing function with ease/forward-back or ease/back-forward.


Animations can be functions (fn [value dom-node] ...) or maps:

{:on-frame (fn [value dom-node state] ...)
 :on-begin (fn [dom-node] ...)
 :on-end (fn [dom-node state] ...)}

Available animations are:

anims/fade - fade the opacity of the component.

(anims/fade-color color) - create a color overlay and fade its opacity

To apply any animation to an overlay, the (defn with-overlay [anim-fn style] ...) is provided. For example, anims/fade-color is defined as:

(defn fade-color [color] (anims/with-overlay anim/fade {:background-color color :opacity 0}))

with-overlay uses .-clientWidth and .-clientHeight to size the overlay, so it is the components responsibility to make sure these will return the correct size.

Known Bugs

The ease/elastic-* and ease/bounce-* easing functions are known to not be working.


Copyright © 2014 Dan Kersten

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.