Daniel Rearden

Results 48 comments of Daniel Rearden

FWIW, I've split off a branch to experiment with replacing directives with annotations. Using annotations would potentially make Sqlmancer compatible with code-first libraries like graphql-compose and Nexus, so I think...

The one obstacle I've hit so far is the lack of multi-line string support in the current implementation of graphql-metadata. I don't know if there's an easy way to implement...

@wtrocki [Here](https://github.com/danielrearden/sqlmancer/tree/annotations) is the branch with my initial implementation of annotations. You can see example usage [here](https://github.com/danielrearden/sqlmancer/blob/annotations/src/__tests__/mysql/schema.ts). The exact syntax can tweaked to reflect graphql-metadata if those changes are implemented.

FWIW, I agree -- extracting out the actual description and then parsing the rest as valid GraphQL syntax would be pretty simple and could then leverage GraphQL's existing tools for...

No worries and thanks for your feedback so far. That branch is still very much a WIP -- I'm still iterating over some things and I'm going to be blocked...

Thanks for the update @wtrocki. FWIW, I'm not necessarily opposed to adding support for MongoDB (and maybe even other NoSQL databases like Neo4j). It wouldn't require huge changes to the...

Sounds like a sound idea. We can publish two packages `@graphql-helix/core` and `@graphql-helix/graphiql` and just export both from `graphql-helix`. No breaking changes needed. I'll circle back to this at my...

I also opened an issue for this bug in the temporalio/sdk-typescript repo [here](https://github.com/temporalio/sdk-typescript/issues/876).

@chinmay1994 `graphql-js` already exposes separate functions for executing and validating documents. Libraries like `apollo-server` and `express-graphql` call each function separately when processing a request. In `express-graphql`, you can pass in...

FWIW, it's already possible to use GraphQL in Deno by utilizing Pika CDN ``` import { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLSchema, GraphQLString, } from "https://cdn.pika.dev/graphql@^15.0.0"; ``` Here's a [full example](https://github.com/danielrearden/graphql_abc/blob/master/examples/server.ts) using the middleware...