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A Redux binding for Next.js Router compatible with Next.js.

Coverage Status

v4.0.0 requires Next.js 10 or newer, React Redux 7.1.0 or newer, and React 16.8.0 or newer. If you are using Next.js 9, check out v3 branch. If you are using Next.js 7-8, check out v0 branch.

Connected Next Router

A Redux binding for Next.js Router compatible with Next.js.

Main features

:sparkles: Keep Router state in sync with your Redux store.

:tada: Dispatch Router methods (push, replace, go, goBack, goForward, prefetch) using Redux actions.

:clock9: Support time traveling in Redux DevTools.

:gem: Ease migration to next.js framework from codebases using connected-react-router or react-router-redux (see migration guide).


Using npm:

$ npm install --save connected-next-router

Or yarn:

$ yarn add connected-next-router


Step 1

  • Add routerReducer to your root reducer.
  • Use createRouterMiddleware if you want to dispatch Router actions (ex. to change URL with push('/home')).
  • Use initialRouterState(url) to populate router state in the server side.
// store/configure-store.js
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { createRouterMiddleware, initialRouterState, routerReducer } from 'connected-next-router'
import { HYDRATE, createWrapper } from 'next-redux-wrapper'
import Router from 'next/router'

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  // Add other reducers
  router: routerReducer

const routerMiddleware = createRouterMiddleware();

// Using next-redux-wrapper's initStore
const reducer = (state, action) => {
  if (action.type === HYDRATE) {
    const nextState = {
      ...state, // use previous state
      ...action.payload, // apply delta from hydration
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && state?.router) {
      // preserve router value on client side navigation
      nextState.router = state.router
    return nextState
  } else {
    return rootReducer(state, action)

export const initStore = (context) => {
  const routerMiddleware = createRouterMiddleware()
  const { asPath } = context.ctx || Router.router || {}
  let initialState
  if (asPath) {
    initialState = {
      router: initialRouterState(asPath)
  return createStore(reducer, initialState, applyMiddleware(routerMiddleware))

export const wrapper = createWrapper(initStore)

Step 2

  • Place ConnectedRouter as children of react-redux's Provider.
// pages/_app.js
import App from 'next/app'
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'connected-next-router'
import { wrapper } from '../store/configure-store'

class ExampleApp extends App {
  render() {
    const { Component, pageProps } = this.props
    return (
        <Component {...pageProps} />

// wrapper.withRedux wraps the App with react-redux's Provider
export default wrapper.withRedux(ExampleApp)


  • examples/basic - basic reference implementation
  • examples/typescript - typescript reference implementation
  • without next-redux-wrapper




MIT License