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Please maintain helm charts for latest version
I have tried helm charts for v1.4.2 v1.4.1 v1.4.0 v1.3.2 branch, none of them can start successfully. (I cant use v1.3.1 cuz kafka_consumergroup_lag metrics not show up in this version)
@duxinxiao could you tell us how you've actually tried out them?
this for example, I used to use ref v1.4.2 instead of master(cuz master's charts will not compatible one day, it's better to use static one, to fix this bug I fork it into my own repository). but v1.4.2's charts have bug in deployment template (lack 'end' line).
other bug happen when I use v1.4.1's chart & v1.4.1's docker image, v1.4.0's chart & v1.4.0's docker image (relate with new args verbosity). They have different reasons but all not work
If you want, you could raise a PR with the fixes.
@duxinxiao @edwin092 have a try the chart of master branch
@duxinxiao "end line" issue has been addressed here https://github.com/danielqsj/kafka_exporter/pull/281/files.
Yes, I know master fix this issue. but it's not enough only fix it in master, at least it should also fix in each tag release branch. For example, If I use old image version maybe it's not compatible with newest master