kafka_exporter copied to clipboard
All metrics not showing up
I have kafka running on a server and i have the kafka_exporter running as a container. I am only getting 7 metrics in prometheus as well as server:9308/metrics. Im getting: kafka_brokers kafka_topic_partitions kafka_topic_partition_in_sync_replica kafka_topic_partition_leader kafka_topic_partition_leader_is_preferred kafka_topic_partition_replicas kafka_topic_partition_under_replicated_partition
I need:
kafka_topic_partition_current_offset kafka_topic_partition_oldest_offset kafka_consumergroup_current_offset kafka_consumergroup_lag
While running the container im getting these errors:
> ERRO[0716] Cannot get current offset of topic __consumer_offsets partition 41: dial tcp [::1]:9092: getsockopt: connection refused source="kafka_exporter.go:274"
> ERRO[0716] Cannot get oldest offset of topic __consumer_offsets partition 41: dial tcp [::1]:9092: getsockopt: connection refused source="kafka_exporter.go:286"
> ERRO[0716] Cannot get current offset of topic __consumer_offsets partition 42: dial tcp [::1]:9092: getsockopt: connection refused source="kafka_exporter.go:274"
> ERRO[0716] Cannot get oldest offset of topic __consumer_offsets partition 42: dial tcp [::1]:9092: getsockopt: connection refused source="kafka_exporter.go:286"
docker command:
docker run --add-host=boltallinone:<servername> -ti --rm -p 9308:9308 danielqsj/kafka-exporter --kafka.server=boltallinone:9092
> INFO[0000] Starting kafka_exporter (version=1.2.0, branch=HEAD, revision=d8a8460163f4fe9316044f4581503f30a739936f) source="kafka_exporter.go:500"
> INFO[0000] Build context (go=go1.9, user=travis@travis-job-660f82aa-84c1-49d4-9dae-ac7ce251ddac, date=20191224-01:55:25) source="kafka_exporter.go:501"
> INFO[0000] Done Init Clients source="kafka_exporter.go:187"
> INFO[0000] Listening on :9308 source="kafka_exporter.go:624"
> INFO[0010] Refreshing client metadata source="kafka_exporter.go:233"
> ERRO[0010] Cannot get current offset of topic syslog partition 0: dial tcp [::1]:9092: getsockopt: connection refused source="kafka_exporter.go:274"
> ERRO[0010] Cannot get current offset of topic __consumer_offsets partition 0: dial tcp [::1]:9092: getsockopt: connection refused source="kafka_exporter.go:274"
> ERRO[0010] Cannot get oldest offset of topic syslog partition 0: dial tcp [::1]:9092: getsockopt: connection refused source="kafka_exporter.go:286"
> ERRO[0010] Cannot get oldest offset of topic __consumer_offsets partition 0: dial tcp [::1]:9092: getsockopt: connection refused source="kafka_exporter.go:286"
> ERRO[0010] Cannot get current offset of topic __consumer_offsets partition 1: dial tcp [::1]:9092: getsockopt: connection refused source="kafka_exporter.go:274"
How to fix this?
I have similiar issues.
Im getting: kafka_brokers kafka_topic_*
I need: kafka_consumergroup_*
Did you solve the issue? If then, could know me how to fix?
Anyone with and update on this? We recently have this issue for a few lag* metrics.
Hi! This has to do with the KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS property. If you set it to localhost, kafka_exporter will try to look on localhost.. but is not your localhost! Set it to a known outside hostname. Hope it helps!
@fernandocosta2020; I don't think that would be it since our Kafkas are not deployed in containers. They are their own servers. Any more ideas? Thank you
Hi @puthrichard , it is not related with being in containers. You must define in kafka how hosts can reach you.
Here is my kafka environment variables:
You have to define a listener from the container(PLAINTEXT) and outside (PLAINTEXT_HOST)
On your advertised listeners you have to describe how host from the outside and inside can communicate with kafka. My exporter accesses kafka via kafka:29092 (kafka here is a hostname that must be defined in you environment).
Hope I made my self clear, it is a bit trickey and not easy to explain.
Best Regards!
I'll have a look at that! It's just weird because nothing changed in the configurations of the exporter and neither on the Kafkas. The metrics simply stopped showing all of a sudden!
Thank you
So after verifying this, the listeners are defined and everything seems to be in order! any other things I could be missing?
You say nothing changed and it suddendly stopped working.. that's strange. For me it as a fresh setup. Nothing changed on your hostnames? Can you post your kafka listeners and exporter configuration?
I had a similar issue. The problem is "KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME" in Kafka and "--kafka.server" in Kafka-exporter are different. So I set both to the same value and it started working
KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME: "kafka1.kakfa-ns.svc.cluster.local" --kafka.server: "kafka1.kakfa-ns.svc.cluster.local"
I think you never have a consumer group that consums data successfully. Once consumed, these indicators are available~
I think you never have a consumer group that consums data successfully. Once consumed, these indicators are available~
i used kafka-console-producer.sh and kafka-console-consumer.sh, but consumergroup metrics still nothing...