Switching back code coverage checks? _Originally posted by @relu91 in https://github.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-wot/pull/1060#pullrequestreview-1573944494_
> Hmm, it seems to me as if this is a problem of the `ExposeThing` where the `formIndex` type is explicitly overridden to be non-nullable. Therefore, I would suggest keeping...
The new routing library introduced in https://github.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-wot/pull/1030 by default does not ignore trailing slashes. To avoid issues for existing implementations we decided to ignore trailing slashes for now (see https://github.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-wot/pull/1030/commits/b333da32868ade73f40fd71ffc213677c31ace47)...
I tried to run the OPC-UA example `demo-opcua1.ts` from [README](https://github.com/eclipse-thingweb/node-wot/blob/master/packages/binding-opcua/README.md) (see [gist](https://gist.github.com/danielpeintner/e6c0f3723dce910f2dfcb8128f10b964) for full code). When trying to run it I get the following error ``` Cannot figure out field...
... writeall and writemultiple are not conforming to the TD spec. They do not seem to accept a single request to write into all the properties but as done in...
At the moment *all* codecs are in package `core`. I suggest we separate codecs in dedicated packages like `codec-cbor`. However, I think the most "important" codecs should remain in `core`...
https://github.com/eclipse/thingweb.node-wot/tree/master/packages/binding-http#feature-matrix I guess we should go over and check again each missing feature.. for example don't we support oauth on server side? Are there more?
I found another unexpected behavior: If I read a property with a specific `formIndex` ``` const interactionOutput = await thing.readProperty("test", { formIndex: 0 }); ``` and if a client already...
In some cases it might be useful to install/test node-wot at a given status (on Github) e.g., ## main `npm install https://github.com/eclipse/thingweb.node-wot.git` ## dedicated branch/commit `npm install https://github.com/eclipse/thingweb.node-wot.git#` ## certain...
_coming from https://github.com/eclipse/thingweb.node-wot/pull/857#issuecomment-1300007690_ The counter example shows a lot of features and might not suitable for starters