date-time-picker copied to clipboard
filter not exported from rxjs, Error is thrown when ng build is ran for production configuration for Angular 17
Below error is thrown when ng build command is run for production configuration for Angular 17
./node_modules/@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker/fesm2022/danielmoncada-angular-datetime-picker.mjs:3686:46-52 - Error: export 'filter' (imported as 'filter') was not found in 'rxjs' (possible exports: ArgumentOutOfRangeError, AsyncSubject, BehaviorSubject, ConnectableObservable, EMPTY, EmptyError, GroupedObservable, NEVER, Notification, NotificationKind, ObjectUnsubscribedError, Observable, ReplaySubject, Scheduler, Subject, Subscriber, Subscription, TimeoutError, UnsubscriptionError, VirtualAction, VirtualTimeScheduler, animationFrame, animationFrameScheduler, asap, asapScheduler, async, asyncScheduler, bindCallback, bindNodeCallback, combineLatest, concat, config, defer, empty, forkJoin, from, fromEvent, fromEventPattern, generate, identity, iif, interval, isObservable, merge, never, noop, observable, of, onErrorResumeNext, pairs, partition, pipe, queue, queueScheduler, race, range, scheduled, throwError, timer, using, zip)
ng build --configuration=production
File Name: /@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker/fesm2022/danielmoncada-angular-datetime-picker.mjs Line no: 9 - import { Subscription, of, merge, Subject, filter, take as take$1, defer } from 'rxjs';
Please see the attached screenshot