emacs-sourcekit-lsp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
emacs-sourcekit-lsp copied to clipboard

Emacs LSP client for SourceKit-LSP (https://github.com/apple/sourcekit-lsp), a Swift/Objective-C/C++ language server created by Apple


emacs-sourcekit-lsp is a client for sourcekit-lsp, a Swift/C/C++/Objective-C language server created by Apple.

Uses lsp-mode, but it's also open to be extended with additions outside of the LSP protocol, like semantic highlighting, if the server supports that.


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You need to download sourcekit-lsp and follow their repo instructions to build it using Swift Package Manager, for example.

After that, you need to download and install a custom development Swift toolchain from Swift.org website (in the future, Apple plans to make sourcekit-lsp work with Swift release toolchains).

Finally, add the following code to your init.el:

(require 'sourcekit-lsp)
(setenv "SOURCEKIT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH" "/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2018-11-01-a.xctoolchain")
(setq sourcekit-lsp-executable (expand-file-name "<path_to_sourcekit-lsp_executable>"))

You can add sourcekit-lsp-swift-enable to your swift-mode hook and it will load sourcekit-lsp whenever you visit a .swift file.


This package is not available on MELPA yet (but it's planned).
