Daniel Lavoie
Daniel Lavoie
I came across an excellent blog post from Juan Naverrete (post [here](https://jfconavarrete.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/make-spring-security-context-available-inside-a-hystrix-command/)) explaining how we can pass the SecurityContext from a servlet request to the hystrix thread running our command....
@spencergibb The implementation is quite simple. My only headache is to figure which project should hold the optional AutoConfiguration. I mean, it's a setup dedicated to configure Feign to access...
Hi @spencergibb I am currently having a dilemma and you and @dsyer might need to state here. The implementation I made leverages on Hystrix command execution hook. Hystrix only allow...
I've been some thought into it and come up with this idea. I feel that services would need a dependency on a custom `actuator-logging` module that would pre configure a...
I'll work on it. First I'll create the actuator extension that would handle the logging.
I've customized the build on my own fork to generate a `tree target` output. https://github.com/daniellavoie/Ambient/blob/debug-cache/cache.log I'm currently running another build and will git diff to see if consecutive builds creates...
Just found out `tree --du -h` will rerun the same flow with this command to get a better idea of what's what.
git diff between two builds on the same commit. Doesn't show much. Running again with `tree --du-h`. ``` git diff diff --git a/cache.log b/cache.log index 354e187..b049d80 100644 --- a/cache.log +++...
This versions provides directory space usage if that helps: https://github.com/daniellavoie/Ambient/blob/6ae44f6d8ff5333fef73854632b995df3a1b13a2/cache.log Running again to see if there is an incremental behaviour.
Last update, no size difference. Someone from the core team must review the cache output from my previous comment and identify if any of the pulled dependencies make sense. Cheers!