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linux how to my terrible guide lol
install manjaro linux with proprietary drivers "games tend to work better" install steam by using manjaros "add or remove software" install cmake using "add or remove software" then open konsole and type "sudo pacman -Sy base-devel" make sure to type y and press enter if you are asked if you are sure you want to install" after its finished type "sudo pacman -S gdb" make sure to type y and press enter if you are asked if you are sure you want to install"
download osiris from github by clicking code in the top right corner and clicking download zip for the latest version, "do not use release." unpack the file by right clicking, hover over extract and click extract here open the unpacked folder "you should see 2 folders one called tests one called Source and a few text documents" right click open with konsole first type the command "cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -B build" then type the command "cmake --build build -j $(nproc --all)" close the konsole now open the new folder called build, then open the folder called source. you should see a file called libOsiris.so make a new folder wherever you want such as the desktop move the libOsiris.so into the new folder then create a new text file by right clicking and hovering over create new. name the text file inject.sh then right click the new text document and click open with kwrike and add these two lines.
#!/bin/bash sudo gdb -batch-silent -p $(pidof cs2) -ex "call (void*)dlopen("$PWD/libOsiris.so", 2)"
then save the file go back to the folder and right click then open konsole here. type "chmod +x inject.sh" now launch cs2 without using proton after the game is fully launched right click the inject.sh file and click run in konsole then enter ur password. you should now be using osiris in the main menu next to settings and the power button their should be a bug icon, this is the osiris menu its not a keybind.
is this cheat in theory compatible with the steam deck?
Yes, it should work on Steam Deck.
Use the custom kernel i has been VAC!