Osiris copied to clipboard
My opinion should be added
You need to add an assistant for throwing grenades and a radar hack
the source code is open for a good reason, if you want it maybe you should try implementing it yourself and pushing a pull request?
also should be noted that it has been suggested already, please read #4148
for anyone attempting i recommend this python script made by imrazvan
from pymem import Pymem, process
from re import search
patch = b'\x0f\x85'
location = rb'\x0f\x84....\x8b\x05....\x48\x89\x74\x24.\xbe'
# 0f 84 ? ? ? ? 8b 05 ? ? ? ? 48 89 74 24 ? be
pm = Pymem('cs2.exe')
client = process.module_from_name(pm.process_handle, 'client.dll')
clientBytes = pm.read_bytes(client.lpBaseOfDll, client.SizeOfImage)
address = client.lpBaseOfDll + search(location, clientBytes).start()
pm.write_bytes(address, patch, len(patch))```