Daniel Kerr
Daniel Kerr
[stalker780](https://github.com/stalker780) your just being a dick! its not my fault that I find this filter_var does not cover IDN! it comes out so i use it.
heres a load of emails i tested ``` $emails = [ 'ghfh@renangonçalves.com', '用户@例子.广告', 'ಬೆಂಬಲ@ಡೇಟಾಮೇಲ್.ಭಾರತ', 'अजय@डाटा.भारत', 'квіточка@пошта.укр', 'χρήστης@παράδειγμα.ελ', 'Dörte@Sörensen.example.com', 'коля@пример.рф', 'support@ツッ.com' ]; ``` and results using punycode. BEFORE ghfh@renangonçalves.com AFTER [email protected]...
ok u can override the library that is being loaded by altering the route.
so u want me to make it so u can override the arguments and output?
uninstall and delete
then reinstall. i will try to come up with a quick fix before next release.
i did have it so it would not delete but then caused other issues., ill add a upgrqade method befofe the next release.
well the idea is the ext devs would create some unique naming. so example dreamvention doing their own paypal extension could do dv_paypal
its not the same thing
fixed https://github.com/opencart/opencart/commit/b7591852126073c120d0a7a9d7d297121835a6ed