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CandleStick Charts not resizing properly
What I expected:
To add 12 data points and have them size accordingly
What happened:
The CandleStick boxes became the width of the wicks
In my application I am displaying 12 data points with 3 data entries. A total of 36 possible candles could be on the screen at any given time. They are all spaced out evenly with each point based on a range. When displaying 12 points the boxes go from boxes to sticks.
When I trim the number of points down to 7, it displays properly. Is there anyway to keep the ratio the same while adding as many points as we want?
*Notice the orange points
are you able to debug a little?
Sure. What would you like to see?
The candle stick chart's stick width is dynamicly changing. The more data, the thinner it is. But your image does seem weird, so I need you to debug the candle stick rendering, to see how the width is calculated. Normally, I didn't see such issue reported by other people.
So it could be your mistakes or a bug inside. Need you to look at ChartsDemo.
Are you using addEntry
APIs? Have you tried to call out ChartData's notifyDataChanged
, and also the Chart view's notifyDataSetChanged
The idea is when you add new entries, the chart data should recalculate and the chart view needs update too.
Here is a snippet of how I am passing the data inside of the chart. I tried to keep it identical to the charts demo. I do not see addEntry
maybe I am missing something there, but the demo does not have that either.
func createDataSet(in dataEntry: [CandleChartDataEntry]?, with color: UIColor, space: CGFloat) -> CandleChartDataSet {
let set = CandleChartDataSet(values: dataEntry, label: "Data Set")
set.axisDependency = .left
set.drawIconsEnabled = false
set.barSpace = space
set.shadowColor = color
set.shadowWidth = 1.0
set.decreasingColor = color
set.decreasingFilled = true
set.increasingColor = color
set.increasingFilled = false
set.neutralColor = color
return set
func createDataSets(in cellEntry: [CandleChartDataEntry]?, wifiEntry: [CandleChartDataEntry]?, vpnEntry: [CandleChartDataEntry]?) -> CandleChartData {
return CandleChartData(dataSets: [self.createDataSet(in: cellEntry, with: UIColor.pingerBlue(), space: 0.3),
self.createDataSet(in: wifiEntry, with: UIColor.pingerOrange(), space: 0.45),
self.createDataSet(in: vpnEntry, with:, space: 0.3)])
let data = self.dataManager.createDataSets(in: cellEntry, wifiEntry: wifiEntry, vpnEntry: vpnEntry)
data.setDrawValues(false) = data
can I ask you to provide a reproducible code based on ChartsDemo so I can see the issue?
After posting this code, it seems the spacing was different on the wifiEntry. After changing that it seems a bit better.
hey mikeKane instead of taking the x axis values as timestamps try to use the indices of the array for timestamps. later you can change the indices of x axis values to timestamps with Axis formatter