puppeteer-recaptcha-solver copied to clipboard
Recaptcha solver for puppeteer.
Puppeteer Recaptcha Solver
How to use
First of all, install and run the tor project on your machine. Mac OS example:
$ brew install tor
$ mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/tor && echo 'SocksPort 9060\nSocksPort 9061\nSocksPort 9062\nSocksPort 9063\nSocksPort 9064\nSocksPort 9065' > /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc
$ tor CookieAuthentication 1 ControlPort 9051 HashedControlPassword 16:DB4D0D522B4946F560DBA4D9B0E47C8BA3BC2A3F7CD69C4E30581900BF
Clone this project and run examples/demo.js:
$ git clone https://github.com/danielgatis/puppeteer-recaptcha-solver.git
$ cd puppeteer-recaptcha-solver
$ npm install
$ node examples/demo.js
Known issues
Sometimes you are blocked because of the reputation of the tor's IPs. To avoid this, you can try to buy some residential proxies or run a simple version of the demo without a proxy.
$ node examples/demo-wo-proxy.js
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