I think this is a whitelabel of the Salus KL08RF - I did some investigation on it a while ago Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters#3354. I found that due to the way the device...
Just to confirm, I have recently purchased this siren to try and integrate into Z2M and am experiencing the same as you. It begins to pair, then seems to fail...
So, I received the Smart Home Controller today and bound the siren to it. Points to note: The app recommends that you switch off the siren and then switch it...
Ok, this is a weird one. I have captured the join but cannot find a single communication within it that exchanges any sort of Network Encryption Key (only thing close...
Here is the sniff of the device joining Z2M. Not much to report here really, it joins the network, fails the interview, then drops off of the network and the...
Interesting concept! I thought pin 8 may have been for switching it between smart I.e. wireless mode, and dumb I.e. wired and controlled with switches mode. I'll also try and...
> The first 6 digits are the manufacturer code, the next 16 are the product code, after that you have 20 padding digits, then the 16 digit EUI-64 MAC address...
Here is the sniff of the device joining Z2M in 'Legacy' mode: [Outdoor Siren Join Z2M Legacy](https://drive.google.com/file/d/11XNTR6W2nGbHdgfeH0fjHkTElaGnfOT_/view?usp=sharing)
No - it will only pair to the bosch controller in 'smart' mode. Having the device in 'legacy' mode while attempting to pair causes discovery to fail
@Koenkk - I have just found this snippet of information: "The ZigBee implementation of Bosch uses an advanced encryption technology with device specific link keys, which are being used for...