sulla copied to clipboard
Create chat for whatsapp contact saved in contacts
I'm trying to send a whatsapp message to a contact with given chatId that is saved in my phones contacts (and retrievable with getContact or getAllContacts) but without an active chat yet.
So far I tried:
Send message to new contacts (non-added)
Also see Whatsapp links Be careful since this can pretty much could cause a ban from Whatsapp, always keep your contacts updated!
await client.sendMessageToId('[email protected]', 'Hello from sulla! 👋');
but this does not work for me. Also i dont really get the difference between sendText and sendMessageToId as the parameters seem to be the same.
Furthermore I could find a method like create chat or chatId or anything similar.
Does anybody have thoughts on that? Any help is appreciated. TY very much.
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