Daniel Caldas
Daniel Caldas
From your feedback it seems that option 2 would be our best chance, I also like it and it will help us keep the codebase clean and generic :slightly_smiling_face: Another...
Hello @liobouchan please use the issue/feature report template and open a new issue. (But what I see from the logs, it's more of an internal error of React that is...
Related: https://github.com/danielcaldas/react-d3-graph/issues/346
Hey @Shrutijamgade thanks for sharing! > To solve the second issue, we added a "count" key in our links array which indicated the number of times that particular pair of...
Hello all, I have a proposal here to support redundant links in the library, want to try it out? https://github.com/danielcaldas/react-d3-graph/pull/362 @akshgpt25 @Shrutijamgade @andfelzapata @liobouchan
Yes @ChenchenYo, there's a proposal here https://github.com/danielcaldas/react-d3-graph/pull/362 that it's waiting for feedback. Have a look and let me know if that's what you're expecting with this change.
Hey @michaelbdavid you can `npm install` the feature branch directly into your app, just change your package.json as follow: ``` "react-d3-graph": "danielcaldas/react-d3-graph#feature/multiple-edges-between-same-nodes", ``` And follow with an `npm install` so...
Hey there @michaelbdavid take a look at the [live sandbox implementation](https://github.com/danielcaldas/react-d3-graph/blob/5064297db65eada68a0eefda6608eb00326237ec/sandbox/Sandbox.jsx#L133) we pause the simulation when the user clicks on the button ⏸️. You can find other examples in the...
Great! @michaelbdavid please note that the nodes in the [marvel layout example](https://danielcaldas.github.io/react-d3-graph/sandbox/index.html?data=marvel) are naturally distributed around a node since many of them (the leaves) only have one connection. It all...
You assign `(x, y)` coordinates to the new node you wish to add. [Here's how](https://github.com/danielcaldas/react-d3-graph/blob/c6f56bbc85cbfef2d1c411cb6e5ad43c805d5680/sandbox/Sandbox.jsx#L259).