Daniel Bayley

Results 96 issues of Daniel Bayley

Following on from #31… as far as I can tell there is actually no way to completely delete a release…? You closed that PR as mentioned because of not wanting...

It would be useful if we could put `'csscomb': '/Path/to/Custom/csscomb.json'` in Atom's `config.cson` as an alternative instead of only being able to embed all those rules.


~~~ js import {isURL} from 'is'; isURL ( 'https://github.com/fabiospampinato/is' ); // => true isURL ( new URL ( 'https://github.com/fabiospampinato/is' ) ); // => true isURL ( 'invalid' ); // =>...

Is there a reason for not deferring to [`node:util/types`](https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#utiltypes) instead for these ones? Also this would add a bunch of extra missing checks for free…

Should [`isDefined`](https://github.com/fabiospampinato/is#isdefined-) not actually count `null` as being defined—as in be the exact opposite of [`isUndefined`](https://github.com/fabiospampinato/is#isundefined)? Particularly since we already have [`isNil`](https://github.com/fabiospampinato/is#isnil) for `null` or `undefined`…

help wanted

For example `isNullish` => `isNil`…

help wanted

See [dracula/homebrew-install/Formula/dracula-git.rb](https://github.com/dracula/homebrew-install/blob/main/Formula/dracula-git.rb).

How about a shorter `.cvt` and `.cvtx` file extension?

good first issue

https://civet.dev/integrations#starter-templates https://github.com/DanielXMoore/Civet/tree/main/integration/unplugin/examples

Using the [Dracula spec](https://spec.draculatheme.com) and [Pygments docs](https://pygments.org/docs/tokens) as a reference… @danielcs88 @zenorocha @luxonauta This is much more accurate now…