Daniel Bayley

Results 82 issues of Daniel Bayley

Currently, keymaps can be disabled per package by adding the `package-name` to `packagesWithKeymapsDisabled` in `ATOM_HOME/config.cson` (which propagates to the corresponding checkbox in settings view). Ideally, package authors would be able...

Would it be theoretically possible to do something like this for example… ``` cson '.platform-darwin atom-workspace atom-text-editor': 'key-s': 'some:command' '&:not([mini])': # or .parent-class & or &.another-child-class 'key-z': 'another:command' ``` rather...


At the moment, setting the tool bar to `right` only places it as far right as the edge of the dock panel if there is one, like this: ![screenshot 05...

help wanted

See: [dracula/homebrew-install](https://github.com/dracula/homebrew-install#readme)[/dracula-xcode.rb](https://github.com/dracula/homebrew-install/blob/main/Casks/dracula-xcode.rb)…

When you choose 'Make Alias' in Finder, it creates the alias but then also automatically selects it as well and sets up the file name to be edited. It would...

See https://github.com/olmokramer/atom-autohide-tree-view/issues/26. Is there any way to remedy this?

I wonder if we could somehow make use of [ncc], [pkg], or [nexe] to achieve this? [ncc]: https://github.com/vercel/ncc [pkg]: https://github.com/vercel/pkg [nexe]: https://github.com/nexe/nexe

~~~ sh > brew audit --new --cask colorclocksaver.rb audit for colorclocksaver: failed - GitHub repository not notable enough (

The CLI doesn’t currently play nice with [`p`]`npm` `scripts`, when calling one from another… ### Expected Behavior In this contrived, simplified example: ~~~ js // package.json "scripts": { "compile": "coffee...