Daniel Bretoi

Results 41 comments of Daniel Bretoi

```vim if exists('g:started_by_firenvim') function! AdjustMinimumLines() if &lines < 12 set lines=12 endif endfunction autocmd UIEnter * call AdjustMinimumLines() endif ``` This seems to work fine now without the delay

is it me or did `glow -` stop working as well now? ``` $ echo foo | glow - Error: exit status 1 Usage: glow [SOURCE|DIR] [flags] glow [command] ```

this ticket has been open quite awhile. is it a difficult fix?

instead of installing broken binaries, would it not be better to refuse the install with some kind of message?

is gutentags still maintained? finding this to still be an issue

@ritwick096 he didn't assign it to you :(

Follows the same conventions as FreeBSD and most UNIX. It should be installed in `/usr/local` Does that help?

When the app is compiled, the result is `qgo.app`. It appears to be the whole self-contained app already. I deleted the other folders which had no noticeable impact, but I...

you'll need to actually delete the cached version from your browser. It's the browser which is caching it. you'll want to delete it here (example is using github) I came...