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How do I plug my own database in?

Open mvrozanti opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

On com.brahalla.Cerberus.configuration.WebSecurityConfiguration there's the configureAuthentication method and it links it's Autowired userDetailsService attribute to Spring Boot's default AuthenticationManager builder.

This specific part is what is relative to each and every user of this project. Which means this is probably the part that needs changing every time this project is forked. It is unclear as to how to proceed with these motifications, taking in consideration Hibernate, JPA, DataSources, JDBC and so on.

I have a table of users on my database. I just want to check if the username and encoded password match a row in that database table to authenticate. How ~~hard is that~~ exactly can I do that?


mvrozanti avatar Jun 17 '19 21:06 mvrozanti