Cerberus icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Cerberus copied to clipboard

The type io.jsonwebtoken.ExpiredJwtException cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

Open Laki7877 opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

I import brahalla/Cerberus into sts IDE and getting the following error in com.ahancer.rr.security.TokenUtils, in which Claims object is not resolved.

Laki7877 avatar Jul 25 '16 08:07 Laki7877

Your question title asks about ExpiredJwtException import but later you are asking something else. Though for others if it helps, the issue is the jjwt version in your pom.xml. Try using the latest version (0.9.0 as of today) and it will be resolved.

armanavasthi avatar Aug 23 '18 02:08 armanavasthi