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PowerTranslator gives you a no-hassle way to use Google and Microsoft cloud translation services in react native. It can be use as a component or as a service.
Power Translator - A simple way to use cloud translation services
PowerTranslator gives you a no-hassle way to use Google and Microsoft cloud translation services in react native.
An example of how to use it: Download Demo
npm i react-native-power-translator --save
1. Import module
import { PowerTranslator, ProviderTypes, TranslatorConfiguration, TranslatorFactory } from 'react-native-power-translator';
2. Set PowerTranslator configuration
TranslatorConfiguration.setConfig('Provider_Type', 'Your_API_Key','Target_Language', 'Source_Language');
// Example
TranslatorConfiguration.setConfig(ProviderTypes.Google, 'xxxx','fr');
Note: The source of the language is optional, if you are not specify it, the provider will detect the language for you.
3. Add translation
There are a couple of ways to use this module based on different use case.
Use it as a component
<PowerTranslator text={'Engineering physics or engineering science refers to the study of the combined disciplines of physics'} />
Use it as a service/class The return value will be a promise that returns translated text.
const translator = TranslatorFactory.createTranslator();
translator.translate('Engineering physics or engineering science').then(translated => {
//Do something with the translated text
You can also pass in an optional language parameter to translate to desire languagues (default use current config)
const translator = TranslatorFactory.createTranslator();
translator.translate('Engineering physics or engineering science', 'fr').then(translated => {
//Do something with the translated text which would be in French
Complete reference
- PowerTranslator: A react component to translate your texts.
- ProviderTypes: List of the cloud provider types. There are two providers is available. ProviderTypes.Google for google translate and ProviderTypes.Microsoft for microsoft translator text cloud service.
- TranslatorFactory: It creates a suitable translator instance, based on your configuration.
- TranslatorConfiguration: It initializes and keeps the translator configuration.
Props list
Here is the list of props:
- text: The text you need to translate. Required.
- onTranslationStart: Get triggered when the text translation gets started.
- onTranslationEnd: Get triggered when the text translation ends.
- style: Styles for translated text. All the react native Text styles props are valid.
Inspiration on how to use it
A few use cases that is possible to cover with this module.
- As a fallback translation: In case your primary translation service/library failed for some reason. It is possible to use the cloud service next to your translation service/library as a fallback.
- As a quick solution: Build a translation service from scratch is not easy and quick. If you don't want to invest in building one, the cloud APIs can save you a huge amount of time.
Cloud service API keys
To get Google translator api key, visit here To get Microsoft azure translator api key, visit here