Dani S
Dani S
Hello, I try to use thundersvm for train the svm on my local gpu with jupyter notebook. I installed thundersvm as described here (https://github.com/Xtra-Computing/thundersvm/blob/master/docs/get-started.md) and it worked after I Had...
Hi yuichiroaoki, can you tell me what the best (fastest) way is to connect to the smart contract? You are using alchemy in you code. Is it faster to use...
Hello, can someone tell me which abis to use for polygon? The same than ethereum abis? thank you!
Hello, Maybe my question stupid, but I didn't get it at the moment. What are addr_token0 and addr_token1? I already have the addresses from dai and eth included? So what...
Hello, you do not check the maximum flashloan amount you can get from dodo if I read your code correctly. If I am wrong can u tell me where you...
Hello, in your index.js you are using `setInterval()` to rerun your code again. If I try this, everyone I rerun the code to fetch prices (every 1 second) it needs...
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