Daniel Martín
Daniel Martín
Hi, @Tavernari. Note that this would have some limitations compared to “normal” ReSwift middleware functions, maybe you want to add them in the README: - It’s not possible to get...
If we think about ReSwift as Redux, and as SwiftUI as React, it becomes clear that the code that glues both together should live in a different package, as we...
@DivineDominion done, sir: https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift/issues/457 @mjarvis I don't know much about SwiftUI because I mostly work with JavaScript and ClojureScript these days (although I still have a small tvOS project in...
Something that has always puzzled me is the fact that the reducer signature is `(Action, Substate?) -> Substate`, instead of just `(Action, Substate) -> Substate`, being Substate either `User` or...
This is what I do as well, although I don't use protocols. I just create a struct representing the state I need in my view, with a constructor that takes...
This is such a common pattern that we could provide a `subscribe` method that takes a subscriber implementing the mapping function, which is the only thing that changes, and let...
@DivineDominion You mean adding the subscribe method with the mapping fn built in or adding the example to the readme?
@DivineDominion done!
That seems like a sensible approach. What does `NSFetchResultsController` give you on top of ReSwift so you need to use it, though? They kind of serve a similar purpose.
Yes, I also suggest you to do that. And that’s pretty much the “namespacing” thing that Redux users do as well. Sent with GitHawk