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Survey of essential tools/frameworks for the modern Java developer
= Modern Java Web Development Dan Hyun [email protected] <@Lspacewalker> :experimental: :icons: font :sectanchors: :sectlinks:
== What Is Modern Web Development?
- Good Developer Experience ** Fast feedback loop ** Good testability ** JustWorks (TM)
- No more WAR!
-[12 Factor App]
== Toolbox
<<Java 8>> (<<Ratpack>>,[Lettuce],[Javaslang], <<jOOQ>>)
Twitter! Follow[@Lspacewalker]
=== Java 8
- Java 6 EOL 2013-02
- Java 7 EOL 2015-02
- Java 9 2016 Q4 (2017 late Q1? Jigsaw extension)
λ -> {}
- Interface Upgrade ** Default and static methods
- Stream API
=== Gradle
- Gradle wrapper - batteries included (
) - Consistent, reproducible builds
- Avoid "Works On My Machine" syndrome
- Great IDE integration
- Continuous build mode (TDD)
./gradlew -t or ./gradlew --continuous
==== Gradle bootstrap
gradle init
gives you...
gradlew and gradlew.bat:: Gradle wrapper scripts
build.gradle:: Main build file, specifies plugins, tasks, dependencies
settings.gradle:: Extra project metadata settings
.Indispensable plugins
a. Create ops friendly distributions a. Don't forget to setmainClassName
-[Gradle Shadow Plugin]
a. Creates "fat jars", plays nicely with
plugin -
a. Customize IntelliJ project/module/workspace a. Don't VCS IDE settings
.New plugins method[(Incubating feature)] [source, gradle]
plugins { id 'java' id 'idea' id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '1.2.2' // id "$id" version "$version" }
.Customize IntelliJ Integration [source, gradle]
idea { project { jdkName = '1.8' // <1> languageLevel = '1.8' // <2> vcs = 'Git' // <3> } }
<1> Set JDK to 1.8 <2> Set target language level to 1.8 <3> Set VCS manager to Git
=== Producing artifacts
./gradlew shadowJar
Produces executable jar with flattened dependencies.
./gradlew installShadowApp
Produces executable jar and shell scripts for starting jar. Can also produce zip file via ./gradlew distShadowZip
or tar via ./gradlew distShadowTar
=== EditorConfig
.What is[EditorConfig]?
EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs.
Don't argue about formatting, pick a standard and stick to it.
.Sample .editorconfig [source, python]
root = true
[*] # for all files indent_style = space indent_size = 2
We recommend you to keep these unchanged
end_of_line = lf charset = utf-8 trim_trailing_whitespace = true insert_final_newline = true
Supported by many IDEs, e.g. IntelliJ kbd:[CTRL + ALT + L]
=== Docker
- Nice functionality around LXC
- Images, file-system layer snap-shotting
- Lighter than Virtualization ** Total size ** Boot Time
- Counters "Works On My Machine" syndrome
- Nice way to bring up services/dependencies/mechanisms that may not be available for your OS
==== docker-machine
- Tool to provision Docker ready VM for Mac/Win
Once setup, you need to inform your environment about the VM.
.Ask docker-machine about default's environment config
$ docker-machine env default
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="C:\Users\danny\.docker\machine\machines\default"
export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME="default"
# Run this command to configure your shell:
# eval "$(C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe env default)"
==== Dockerized Redis
.Dockerfile [source, docker]
FROM ubuntu:14.04 # <1> RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y redis-server # <2> EXPOSE 6379 # <3> ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/redis-server"] # <4>
<1> Base image from Ubuntu Trusty image <2> Install Redis into new image <3> Declare that container is listening on port 6379 <4> Start Redis server when container starts[Dockerfile reference]
$ docker build -t danhyun/redis .
$ docker run --name redis -d -p 6379:6379 danhyun/redis
$ docker exec -it redis bash
root@d42014247c2e:/# redis-cli> set hello world
OK> get hello
"world"> del hello
(integer) 1> get hello
==== Dockerized Postgres
.Create new PostgreSQL container from existing Dockerfile
$ docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
This command pulls down a postgres
Docker image from[Docker Hub], names the container postgres
, detaches from session, maps container's port 5432 to local port 5432.
.Access PostgreSQL from running container's command line
$ docker exec -it postgres bash
root@b1db931a37a7:/# psql -U postgres
psql (9.4.5)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \l
postgres=# create database modern;
postgres=# \c modern
You are now connected to database "modern" as user "postgres".
modern=# create table meeting (
id serial primary key,
organizer varchar(255),
topic varchar(255),
description text
modern=#insert into meeting
(organizer, topic, description)
('Dan H', 'Modern Java Web Development', 'A survey of essential tools/frameworks/techniques for the modern Java developer');
modern=# select * from meeting;
id | organizer | topic | description
1 | Dan H | Modern Java Web Development | A survey of essentia tools/frameworks/techniques for the modern Java developer
(1 row)
=== Heroku
- Free signup
- Rapid prototyping (free versions of services available)
=== Install Heroku Toolbelt
Get the Heroku toolbelt[here]
=== Prepare app for Heroku
Heroku only needs 2 things:
- tells Heroku what to execute - A
task from Gradle
== Ratpack
- JDK 8+
- just jar files, no binaries to install, no codegen
- Minimal framework overhead (low resource usage, save $$$)
- Unopinionated - Make your app solve your problems, don't let framework get in the way
- Reactive, Non-blocking and fully asynchronous
- Excellent testing support
=== Handlers
- Functional interface
void handle(Context context) {}
- send response now or delegate to the next handler
=== Chain
- convenience API for specifying request handling flow
- "if-else" for handlers
- Chains are composable
=== Registry
- Map like lookup for services
- Immutable
- Way to communicate between handlers
=== Async
- Promises
- Operations
- Blocking
== HikariCP
Blazing fast JDBC library.[Technical details]
=== Config
Configure HikariCP to use our dockerized PostgreSQL instance.
.postgres.yaml [source, yaml]
db: dataSourceClassName: org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource username: postgres password: password dataSourceProperties: databaseName: modern serverName: portNumber: 5432
=== Apply Config
[source, java] .Configure Hikari DataSource provider
.module(HikariModule.class, config -> { config .setDataSourceClassName("org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource"); config.setUsername("postgres"); config.setPassword("password"); config.addDataSourceProperty("databaseName", "modern"); config.addDataSourceProperty("serverName", ""); config.addDataSourceProperty("portNumber", "5432"); })
.Use a Config Object [source, java]
.bindInstance(HikariConfig.class, configData.get("/db", HikariConfig.class)) .module(HikariModule.class)
.Even better [source, java]
ServerConfig configData = ServerConfig.builder() .baseDir(BaseDir.find()) .yaml("db.yaml") .env() .sysProps() .args(args) .require("/db", HikariConfig.class) .build();
== jOOQ
- Type Safe fluent style API for accessing DB
-[Automatic code generation based on your schema]
buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.4-1206-jdbc42' classpath 'org.jooq:jooq-codegen:3.7.1' classpath 'org.jyaml:jyaml:1.3' } }
dependencies { runtime 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.4-1206-jdbc42' compile 'org.jooq:jooq:3.7.1'
compile ratpack.dependency('hikari') }
import org.jooq.util.jaxb.* import org.jooq.util.* import org.ho.yaml.Yaml
task jooqCodegen { doLast { def config = Yaml.load(file('src/ratpack/postgres.yaml')).db def dsProps = config.dataSourceProperties
Configuration configuration = new Configuration()
.withJdbc(new Jdbc()
.withGenerator(new Generator()
// .withGenerate(new Generate() // .withImmutablePojos(true) // <1> // .withDaos(true) // <2> // .withFluentSetters(true)) // <3> .withDatabase(new Database() .withName("org.jooq.util.postgres.PostgresDatabase") .withIncludes(".*") .withExcludes("") .withInputSchema("public")) .withTarget(new Target() .withPackageName("jooq") .withDirectory("src/main/java")))
} }
<1> Generates immutable POJOs <2> Generates DAOs <3> Generates fluent setters for generated Records/POJOs/Interfaces
=== Hikari and jOOQ
provides type-safe fluent API style querying.
jOOQ will responsibly borrow and release connections from the provided DataSource
[source, java]
public class DefaultMeetingRepository implements MeetingRepository { private final DSLContext context;
@Inject public DefaultMeetingRepository(DSLContext context) { this.context = context; }
@Override public Promise<List<Meeting>> getMeetings() { return Blocking.get(() -> context .select().from(MEETING).fetchInto(Meeting.class) // <1> ); }
@Override public Operation addMeeting(Meeting meeting) { return Blocking.op(() -> context.newRecord(MEETING, meeting).store()); } }
<1> fetchInto(Class)
provides SQL to POJO mapping. POJOs can be generated by jOOQ if desired.
[source, java]
public class JooqModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { bind(MeetingRepository.class).to(DefaultMeetingRepository.class).in(Scopes.SINGLETON); }
@Provides @Singleton public DSLContext dslContext(DataSource dataSource) { return DSL.using(new DefaultConfiguration().derive(dataSource)); } }
== Redis
[source, gradle] .build.gradle
dependencies { compile 'biz.paluch.redis:lettuce:4.0.1.Final' }
[source, yaml] .redis.yaml
redis: host: port: 6379
[source, java]
public class RedisConfig { private String url;
public String getUrl() { return url; }
public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } }
[source, java]
RatpackServer.start(ratpackServerSpec -> ratpackServerSpec .serverConfig(config -> config .baseDir(BaseDir.find()) .yaml("postgres.yaml") .yaml("redis.yaml") .env() .sysProps() .args(args) .require("/db", HikariConfig.class) .require("/redis", RedisConfig.class) // <1> )
<1> Add RedisConfig
to the Registry
[source, java]
public class RedisModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { }
@Provides @Singleton public RedisClient redisClient(RedisConfig config) { // <1> return RedisClient.create(config.getUrl()); }
@Provides @Singleton public StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> asyncCommands(RedisClient client) { return client.connect(); }
@Provides @Singleton public RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> asyncCommands(StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection) { return connection.async(); }
@Provides @Singleton public Service redisCleanup(RedisClient client, StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection) { return new Service() { // <2> @Override public void onStop(StopEvent event) throws Exception { connection.close(); // <3> client.shutdown(); // <3> } }; } }
<1> Get RedisConfig
from Registry
<2> Service
provides an opportunity to hook into Ratpack's start/stop lifecycle events
<3> Cleanup Redis connection and client
[source, java]
public interface RatingRepository { Promise<Map<String, String>> getRatings(Long meetingId);
default Promise<Double> getAverageRating(Long meetingId) { return getRatings(meetingId) .map(m -> m.entrySet() .stream() .map(e -> Pair.of(Integer.valueOf(e.getKey()), Integer.valueOf(e.getValue()))) .flatMapToInt(pair -> IntStream.range(0, pair.right).map(i -> pair.left)) .average().orElse(0d) ); }
Operation rateMeeting(String meetingId, String rating); }
[source, java]
public class DefaultRatingRepository implements RatingRepository { private final RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> commands;
@Inject public DefaultRatingRepository(RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> commands) { this.commands = commands; }
Function<Long, String> getKeyForMeeting = (id) -> "meeting:" + id + ":rating";
@Override public Promise<Map<String, String>> getRatings(Long meetingId) { return Promise.of(downstream -> commands .hgetall(getKeyForMeeting.apply(meetingId)) // <1> .thenAccept(downstream::success) // <2> ); }
@Override public Operation rateMeeting(String meetingId, String rating) { return Promise.of(downstream -> commands.hincrby( getKeyForMeeting.apply(Long.valueOf(meetingId)), String.valueOf(rating), 1 ).thenAccept(downstream::success) ).operation(); } }
<1> Equivalent of HGETALL meeting:$id:rating
<2> Signal to downstream consumer that Lettuce is done with async activity
== Composing data from Postgres and Redis
[source, java]
public interface MeetingService { Promise<List<Meeting>> getMeetings(); Operation addMeeting(Meeting meeting); Operation rateMeeting(String id, String rating); }
[source, java]
public class DefaultMeetingService implements MeetingService {
private final MeetingRepository meetingRepository; private final RatingRepository ratingRepository;
public DefaultMeetingService(MeetingRepository meetingRepository, RatingRepository ratingRepository) { this.meetingRepository = meetingRepository; this.ratingRepository = ratingRepository; }
@Override public Promise<List<Meeting>> getMeetings() { return meetingRepository.getMeetings() .flatMap(meetings -> Promise.value( .peek(meeting -> ratingRepository.getAverageRating(meeting.getId()) .then(meeting::setRating) // <1> ) .collect(Collectors.toList())) ); }
@Override public Operation addMeeting(Meeting meeting) { return meetingRepository.addMeeting(meeting); }
@Override public Operation rateMeeting(String id, String rating) { return ratingRepository.rateMeeting(id, rating); } }
<1> This is naughty, don't perform side effects
Create a new module to register our RatingRepository
and MeetingService
[source,java] .MeetingModule
public class MeetingModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { }
@Provides @Singleton public RatingRepository ratingRepository(RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> commands) { return new DefaultRatingRepository(commands); }
@Provides @Singleton public MeetingService meetingService(MeetingRepository meetingRepository, RatingRepository ratingRepository) { return new DefaultMeetingService(meetingRepository, ratingRepository); } }
[source, java]
public class App { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { RatpackServer.start(serverSpec -> serverSpec .serverConfig(/config/) .registry(Guice.registry(bindings -> bindings .module(HikariModule.class) .module(JooqModule.class) .module(RedisModule.class) .module(MeetingModule.class) // <1> .bind(MeetingChainAction.class) )) .handlers(/handlers/) ); } }
<1> Register our new module with the app
== Deploying to Heroku
Main command to execute:
web: env DATABASE_URL=$DATABASE_URL build/installShadow/modern-java-web/bin/modern-java-web redis.url=$REDIS_URL
Ratpack can pick up config information from just about anywhere.
Here we expose DATABASE_URL
as an env variable and pass in REDIS_URL
as redis.url
as a program arg.
.Gradle staging task
task stage(dependsOn: installShadowApp)
=== Create the Heroku app
[source, bash] .bash
$ heroku create Creating gentle-beyond-5974... done, stack is cedar-14 // <1> | .git // <3> Git remote heroku added // <2> heroku-cli: Updating... done.
<1> cedar-14
is the Java 8 platform, Heroku's default Java offering
<2> Generated app name gentle-beyond-5974
<3> Added git remote named heroku
=== Heroku Redis
- Install Plugin
heroku plugins:install heroku-redis
- Add to app
heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev
- Pass
to your app - Heroku redis-cli
heroku redis:cli
=== Heroku Postgresql
- Add PostgreSQL to app
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
- Wait to come online
heroku pg:wait
- Pass
to app - Connect to remote
heroku pg:psql
(Requires psql installed locally)
=== Parsing Heroku's Postgres URL
Heroku exposes the Postgres URL in a format that JDBC cannot parse.
[source, java]
public interface HerokuUtils { Function<String, List<String>> extractDbProperties = (url) -> { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(url)) return Collections.<String>emptyList();
Pattern herokuDbPattern = Pattern
.compile("postgres://(?<username>[^:]+):(?<password>[^:]+)@(?<serverName>[^:]+):(?<portNumber>[0-9]+)/(?<databaseName>.+)"); // <1>
Matcher matcher = herokuDbPattern.matcher(url);
if (!matcher.matches()) return Collections.<String>emptyList();
return Stream
.of("username", "password", "databaseName", "serverName", "portNumber")
.map(prop -> Pair.of(prop, // <2>
.map(pair -> pair.left.equals(pair.left.toLowerCase()) ?
pair : Pair.of("dataSourceProperties." + pair.left, pair.right)
.map(pair -> Pair.of("db." + pair.left, pair.right))
.map(pair -> pair.left + "=" + pair.right)
}; }
<1> As of Java 7 you can provide group names in regex
<2> We ask for match by group name and construct a Pair
of property to extracted value
[source, java]
public class App { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { List<String> programArgs = Lists.newArrayList(args); programArgs.addAll( HerokuUtils.extractDbProperties .apply(System.getenv("DATABASE_URL")) // <1> );
RatpackServer.start(serverSpec -> serverSpec
.serverConfig(config -> config
.args([]::new)) //<2>
.require("/db", HikariConfig.class)
.require("/redis", RedisConfig.class)
.registry(/* registry */)
.handlers(/* handlers */)
} }
<1> Extract db properties if present <2> Pass newly constructed list to Ratpack's server config
=== Push to Heroku
[source, bash]
$ git push heroku master remote: BUILD SUCCESSFUL remote: remote: Total time: 40.614 secs remote: -----> Discovering process types remote: Procfile declares types -> web remote: remote: -----> Compressing... done, 71.3MB remote: -----> Launching... done, v4 remote: deployed to Heroku remote: remote: Verifying deploy... done.
Heroku will see that this is a Gradle project and invoke ./gradlew stage
After the build Heroku will run the command from Procfile
[source, bash]
$ heroku open
Opens your newly minted webapp in your browser.