atomic-chrome icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
atomic-chrome copied to clipboard

Edit Chrome textareas in Atom

Results 18 atomic-chrome issues
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It doesn't work on [SRWare Iron](, a Chromium-source browser striped from code with privacy concernes [Chrome vs Iron]( I've tried on Windows 10 32 and 64 bits and with Iron...

Hi, i am trying to use it to edit code from Opencms editor and it uses an iframe with a textarea inside. The message at the console is: `content-script.js:71 Atomic...

Great project! It would be even nicer if when a textfield was edited, the `onchange` event fired. My use case is for editing markup that is previewed as html and...

When you try to use atomic-chrome in another Chrome extension (eg. Tampermonkey), this bug appers: > Unchecked runtime.lastError while running tabs.executeScript: Cannot access contents of url "chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/options.html#nav=b9a5ed01-1683-458e-acd3-42584629080e+editor". Extension manifest must...

Please see [Other Workflowy Related Issues]( ## Description of Problem In Workflowy's editor for notes it wraps links, bold, italics and underline. - **Links** - Links are like this `[SITE]`......

This looks very interesting, and it actually inspired me of a possible feature/idea. How hard would it be to implement a way to copy to Atom what is done in...

Suppose we are composing a mail or drafting text in stackoverflow and we have opened the corresponding tab in atom editor. During editing session, Atom syncs with the chrome browser....


Why not put the activation icon in the context menu on textareas? (right-click, ctrl-click, etc) Could eliminate the need for the toolbar icon, which seems out of place.
