atomic-chrome icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
atomic-chrome copied to clipboard

automatically focus atom-window when start editing

Open t9md opened this issue 7 years ago • 5 comments

  1. on the input form of browser, invoke shortcut of start-editing-in-atom-editor
  2. want to automatically focus atom window so that I don't have to shift-tab or cmd-tab to change active app to Atom.

t9md avatar Nov 18 '16 05:11 t9md

This is probably OS and environment dependent. I will see if it is easily doable. What OS (and desktop environment if relevant) are you using?

danhper avatar Nov 18 '16 05:11 danhper

macOS, not yet sierra but move to sierra soon. What os are you using?

t9md avatar Nov 18 '16 05:11 t9md

If you can call atom.focus() method by messaging to your atom package, I thinks it can be implemented without being involved by OS differences.

Just idea, not sure it's practically correct.

t9md avatar Nov 18 '16 05:11 t9md

I didn't know about this, thanks! It should be easy enough to call this after opening the text editor, I will give it a try.

danhper avatar Nov 18 '16 05:11 danhper

Awesome! your package greatly reduce pain to input long text into the github issue. Thanks for nice idea and bundled into effective workflow to broad user!

t9md avatar Nov 18 '16 05:11 t9md