hetzner-notifier icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hetzner-notifier copied to clipboard

Automatically send email notifications when Hetzner's server auctions drop below a certain price threshold.


Automatically send email notifications when Hetzner's server auctions drop below a certain price threshold.


npm install
node index.js --email_to [email protected] --smtp_host smtp.server.com --smtp_accept_unauthorized


Email parameters:

  • smtp_host - Required: The SMTP server to use.
  • smtp_port - Optional: The SMTP port to connect to (default: 25).
  • smtp_username - Optional: The SMTP username.
  • smtp_password - Optional: The SMTP password.
  • smtp_accept_unauthorized - Optional: If this flag is passed in, the script will accept connection to a SMTP server with a self-signed TLS key.
  • email_to - Required: The email address to email notifications to.
  • email_from - Optional: The email address to email notifications from (default: [email protected]).

Hetzner specific parameters:

  • country - Optional: The country you're in. Hetzner charges different prices based on this information (default: US).
  • threshold - Optional: The price threshold (in euro) below which notifications are sent (default: 30).
  • ram - Optional: Minimum RAM (in GB).
  • hdnr - Optional: Minimum number of HDD's.
  • hdsize - Optional: Minimum HDD size (in GB).
  • text - Optional: Miscellaneous text to search (e.g. SSD)