swift copied to clipboard
⚠️ Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review
Formalize your Pull Request etiquette.
Write your Dangerfiles in Swift.
Latest version requires Swift 5.4
- If you are using Swift 5.3 use v3.13.0
- If you are using Swift 5.2 use v3.11.1
- If you are using Swift 5.1 use v3.8.0
- If you are using Swift 4.2 use v2.0.7
- If you are using Swift 4.1 use v0.4.1
- If you are using Swift 4.0, Use v0.3.6
What it looks like today
You can make a Dangerfile that looks through PR metadata, it's fully typed.
import Danger
let danger = Danger()
let allSourceFiles = danger.git.modifiedFiles + danger.git.createdFiles
let changelogChanged = allSourceFiles.contains("CHANGELOG.md")
let sourceChanges = allSourceFiles.first(where: { $0.hasPrefix("Sources") })
if !changelogChanged && sourceChanges != nil {
warn("No CHANGELOG entry added.")
// You can use these functions to send feedback:
message("Highlight something in the table")
warn("Something pretty bad, but not important enough to fail the build")
fail("Something that must be changed")
markdown("Free-form markdown that goes under the table, so you can do whatever.")
Using Danger Swift
All of the docs are on the user-facing website: https://danger.systems/swift/
danger-swift ci
- Use this on CI -
danger-swift pr https://github.com/Moya/Harvey/pull/23
- Use this to build your Dangerfile -
danger-swift local
- Use this to run danger against your local changes from master -
danger-swift edit
- Creates a temporary Xcode project for working on a Dangerfile
Infrastructure exists to support plugins, which can help you avoid repeating the same Danger rules across separate repos.
e.g. A plugin implemented with the following at https://github.com/username/DangerPlugin.git.
// DangerPlugin.swift
import Danger
public struct DangerPlugin {
let danger = Danger()
public static func doYourThing() {
// Code goes here
Swift Package Manager (More performant)
You can use Swift PM to install both danger-swift
and your plugins:
Install Danger JS
$ npm install -g danger
Add to your
:let package = Package( ... products: [ ... .library(name: "DangerDeps[Product name (optional)]", type: .dynamic, targets: ["DangerDependencies"]), // dev ... ], dependencies: [ ... .package(url: "https://github.com/danger/swift.git", from: "3.0.0"), // dev // Danger Plugins .package(url: "https://github.com/username/DangerPlugin.git", from: "0.1.0") // dev ... ], targets: [ .target(name: "DangerDependencies", dependencies: ["Danger", "DangerPlugin"]), // dev ... ] )
Add the correct import to your
:import DangerPlugin DangerPlugin.doYourThing()
Create a folder called
with an empty file inside like Fake.swift -
To run
useswift run danger-swift command
(Recommended) If you are using Swift PM to distribute your framework, use Rocket, or a similar tool, to comment out all the dev dependencies from your
. This prevents these dev dependencies from being downloaded and compiled with your framework by consumers. -
(Recommended) cache the
folder on your repo
Marathon (Easy to use)
By suffixing package: [url]
to an import, you can directly import Swift PM package as a dependency
For example, a plugin could be used by the following.
// Dangerfile.swift
import DangerPlugin // package: https://github.com/username/DangerPlugin.git
You can see an example danger-swift plugin.
(Recommended) Cache the ~/.danger-swift
For a Mac:
# Install danger-swift, and a bundled danger-js locally
brew install danger/tap/danger-swift
# Run danger
danger-swift ci
For Linux:
# Install danger-swift
git clone https://github.com/danger/danger-swift.git
cd danger-swift
make install
# Install danger-js
npm install -g danger
# Run danger
danger-swift ci
GitHub Actions
You can add danger/swift to your actions
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: "Run Danger"
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Danger
uses: danger/[email protected]
args: --failOnErrors --no-publish-check
Danger has two different pre built images that you can use with your action:
- https://github.com/orgs/danger/packages/container/package/danger-swift
- https://github.com/orgs/danger/packages/container/package/danger-swift-with-swiftlint (Danger + Swiftlint)
In order to import one of those use the docker://
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: "Run Danger"
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Danger
uses: docker://ghcr.io/danger/danger-swift:3.13.0
args: --failOnErrors --no-publish-check
Local compiled danger-js
To use a local compiled copy of danger-js use the danger-js-path
danger-swift command --danger-js-path path/to/danger-js
Current working directory
Many people prefers using the SPM Danger configuration, because is more performing.
But having a Package.swift
on your root folder can be annoying, especially now that Xcode (from 11) doesn't put on the recents list an xcproj
(or xcworkspace
) when there is a Package.swift
in the same folder.
With the --cwd
parameter you can specify a working directory.
This allows you to have your Package.swift
in another directory and still run danger-swift as it was executed from your project root directory.
swift run danger-swift command --cwd path/to/working-directory
You need to be using Xcode >= 11.3.1.
git clone https://github.com/danger/danger-swift.git
cd danger-swift
swift build
swift run komondor install
swift package generate-xcodeproj
open danger-swift.xcodeproj
Then I tend to run danger-swift
using swift run
swift run danger-swift pr https://github.com/danger/swift/pull/95
If you want to emulate how DangerJS's process
will work entirely, then use:
swift build && cat Fixtures/eidolon_609.json | ./.build/debug/danger-swift
Run swift run rocket $VERSION
on master
e.g. swift run rocket 1.0.0
Danger Swift is maintained by @f-meloni, and maybe you?