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ROI Autogrid does not work with germination studies
The ROI autogrid function throws errors at early timepoints in germination studies due to trays which do not have plants in them.
auto_grid relies on empirical data to set the grid, so if there are no plants there is no way to set the grid with this method
Other possible solutions?
- Canny edge detect the tray itself and be able to define grid of cells based on tray location
- tape markers on corners (to help determine corners of the tray or actually marking rows & columns) and then be able to define grid
- same idea but QR codes?
My thought to make a mask of the cells using the soil does not seem promising. Understandably, the pixel values of wet vs dry soil differ in basically all grayscale colorspaces and the tray design itself is prone to connectivity of cells, and I think this connectivity plus the extra noise is causing auto_grid
to fail.
ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[57], line 8
6 sub_mask = pcv.image_subtract(gray_img1=thresh, gray_img2=roi_mask)
7 filled = pcv.fill_holes(sub_mask)
----> 8 rois = pcv.roi.auto_grid(mask=filled, nrows=6, ncols=7, radius=100, img=img)
File ~/plantcv/plantcv/plantcv/roi/, in auto_grid(mask, nrows, ncols, radius, img)
320 if len(np.unique(mask)) != 2:
321 fatal_error("Input binary mask is not binary!")
--> 322 coord, spacing = _calculate_grid(mask, nrows, ncols)
323 if img is None:
324 img = mask
File ~/plantcv/plantcv/plantcv/roi/, in _calculate_grid(mask, nrows, ncols)
192 for c in contours:
193 m = cv2.moments(c)
--> 194 cmx, cmy = (float(m['m10'] / m['m00']), float(m['m01'] / m['m00']))
195 centers.append((cmx, cmy))
196 # cluster by x and y coordinates to get grid layout
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero