openhtmltopdf copied to clipboard
base64 images not loaded
Hello i'm experiencing trouble when trying to render into pdf any base64 image i tried several, even in the online sandbox page (, posting the code:
<body dir="auto">
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img alt="" src="
5ErkJggg==" style="width:36pt;height:36pt" ></img>
<div style="text-align:center;font-size: 90px;color:orange;">
Hello World!
nothing get rendered, here the logs:
SAX XMLReader in use (parser):$JAXPSAXParser
Loaded document in ~0ms
TIME: parse stylesheets 0ms
media = print
Matcher created with 160 selectors
Hit key(font-metrics:handwriting:400:normal) from cache.
Hit key(font-metrics:arabic:400:normal) from cache.
Hit key(font-metrics:deja-sans:400:normal) from cache.
Hit key(font-metrics:cjk:400:normal) from cache.
URI resolver rejected loading image at ()
URI resolver rejected loading image at ()
Using fast-mode renderer. Prepare to fly.
Isn't that supposed to work?
p.s. i read from another issue that it isn't supposed to work on the sandbox, problem is is not working on our java app neither, is there any additional configuration to do ?
Thank you for any assistance