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πŸ’» These are my dotfiles. There are many like them, but these ones are mine.

Dotfiles: The Dan Eden Story

I have no idea what I’m doing, but with any luck, that’ll change the more I use my own dotfiles.


  1. In your home folder (just type cd in terminal to get there, silly), run git clone .dotfiles
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory and run ./
  3. Party.

What's Inside?

  1. A script that copies dotfiles to my home directory to configure things like git, vim, and zsh
    • This works by looking for files with a .symlink suffix
  2. zsh configuration that provides a useful prompt and some aliases
    • The prompt.zsh file contains a lot of code copied from The Internet to get my git status to show in the prompt
  3. git configuration that provides my own details and some aliases
  4. vim configuration that provides some plugins and sets some preferences
    • To avoid bloating my dotfiles with overrides from e.g. oh-my-zsh, I've opted to write all my dotfiles using only built-in package managers and options. Vim is chief amongst examples of this, since my .vimrc is pretty long.
  5. A Brewfile to install common apps and CLI tools I use frequently
  6. Yarn/Node global package installation