react-native-swipeout copied to clipboard
working on android
Is there a trick to getting this working on android? Works like a dream on IOS, but android there are a few issues:
- It closes as soon as you let go - not giving any time to hit the items
- The left items are very spread out, and the right items icons are very bunched together
Using: "react-native-swipeout": "^2.0.12", "react-native": "^0.20.0", Android API 23
Didnt test *2, but *1 does not happen on 2.0.12, RN 22.2, API 24
I'm testing on my galaxy s6 edge and I am having a different issue. The swipe and right buttons are working properly. However, if I want to press on the row, I have to press multiple times (4 or 5 time at least). It seems like as soon as I touch the row, "react-native-swipeout" wants to register that press as swipe. I have to be very deliberate and make sure that I don't move my finger while pressing the row.
Using: "react-native-swipeout": "^2.0.12", "react-native": "0.22.0" and "0.23.1" Android API level 22
The Swipeout appears to be *** super *** sensitive.
On Android the internal swipeout function _handlePanResponderGrant gets called with almost every touch and this seems to prevent the ListView row's onPress method being called.
@divinetouch I see similar issue on Android, I have to press a ListView row 4 or 5 times. I have to press very deliberate and straight and perpendicular to the tablet.
See related issue:
Using: Android 6.0 Nexus 7 tablet "react": "15.0.2", "react-native": "^0.26.2", [email protected]
I switched to react-native-swipe-list-view, thats until the swipeable list in RN moves out of experimental. Only drawback I found so far, is that you cant disable swipe for individual rows. Although it handles stuff like only 1 open row on its own, and you can disable left / right swipe.
@latusaki are you still using react-native-swipe-list-view on Android?
I am trying to find a solution to this again. I am still using ListView. Maybe I will need to upgrade.
@esutton I am using a fork with a fix for proptypes, latusaki/react-native-swipe-list-view#prop_type_fix, they may have fixed it on main repo by this time though.
I have not needed to touch the functionality since I implemented it a year ago, so I do not know if there is something better out there at this time.