react-native-swipeout copied to clipboard
onOpen, onClose are triggered multi times
_close: function() { const { sectionID, rowID, onClose } = this.props; if (onClose && (this.state.openedLeft || this.state.openedRight)) { const direction = this.state.openedRight ? 'right' : 'left'; onClose(sectionID, rowID, direction); /// onClose triggerd } this._tweenContent('contentPos', 0); this._callOnClose(); /// onClose triggerd again this.setState({ openedRight: false, openedLeft: false, swiping: false, }); },
_handlePanResponderGrant: function(e: Object, gestureState: Object) { if (this.props.disabled) return; if (!this.state.openedLeft && !this.state.openedRight) { console.log('_handlePanResponderGrant') this._callOnOpen(); //// onOpen or onClose will trigger here immidiately onTouch } else { this._callOnClose(); } this.refs.swipeoutContent.measure((ox, oy, width, height) => { let buttonWidth = this.props.buttonWidth || (width/5); this.setState({ btnWidth: buttonWidth, btnsLeftWidth: this.props.left ? buttonWidththis.props.left.length : 0, btnsRightWidth: this.props.right ? buttonWidththis.props.right.length : 0, swiping: true, timeStart: (new Date()).getTime(), }); }); }
Same issue, trigger also when scroll parent ListView.
triggred even on pressing the item
Same issue here. I'm debouncing the call to eliminate the multiple executions but that doesn't help the fact that these callbacks are executed on pressing the item.
Same issue, onOpen trigger two times.
Follow this tutorial
Hey all,
I noticed quite a few bugs in this repo, but felt it was generally an awesome attempt, and would be much better than any attempt I could make personally.
I sifted through the code for the framework and generally did a spring cleaning to my own standards, that way I could better understand what was going on functionally. After that, I chopped, cut, modified and altered parts to fix the multi trigger problem.
onOpen Now succesfully only calls when the swipe button is displayed.
onClose Now succesfully only calls when a row is closed by the user. Either by a button click or by a swipe gesture.
onSwipe Added a new callback. This can be used to close other rows that may be open, when you start a new gesture. (Replaces originally using onOpen for that solution)
This has not been tested thouroughly, but I feel that it is relatively solid. Please feel free to test and give feedback.
If repo owner would like me to submit a pull request, I can do so.
Here is the whole index.js file.
import tweenState from 'react-tween-state';
import NativeButton from './NativeButton';
import styles from './styles';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import createReactClass from 'create-react-class';
import { PanResponder, TouchableHighlight, StyleSheet, Text, View, ViewPropTypes } from 'react-native';
// SwipeoutBtn Class
const SwipeoutBtn = createReactClass({
// Props
// Prop Types
propTypes: {
text: PropTypes.node,
color: PropTypes.string,
onPress: PropTypes.func,
component: PropTypes.node,
underlayColor: PropTypes.string,
backgroundColor: PropTypes.string
// Default Props
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
width: 0,
height: 0,
color: null,
text: 'Btn',
onPress: null,
disabled: false,
component: null,
underlayColor: null,
backgroundColor: null,
// Render
// Render Button
render: function() {
// Passed Styling
var btn = this.props;
// Button Styling
var styleSwipeoutBtn = [styles.swipeoutBtn];
var styleSwipeoutBtnText = [styles.swipeoutBtnText];
var styleSwipeoutBtnComponent = [];
// Apply Background Color
if (btn.backgroundColor) {
styleSwipeoutBtn.push({ backgroundColor: btn.backgroundColor })
// Apply Button Size
height: btn.height,
width: btn.width
// Apply Button Component Size
height: btn.height,
width: btn.width
// Apply Text Color
if (btn.color) {
styleSwipeoutBtnText.push({ color: btn.color});
// Return Button
return (
{btn.component ? <View style={styleSwipeoutBtnComponent}>{btn.component}</View> : btn.text}
// Swipeout Class
const Swipeout = createReactClass({
// TweenState Mixins
mixins: [tweenState.Mixin],
// Props
// Prop Types
propTypes: {
close: PropTypes.bool,
left: PropTypes.array,
right: PropTypes.array,
scroll: PropTypes.func,
onOpen: PropTypes.func,
onClose: PropTypes.func,
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
autoClose: PropTypes.bool,
sensitivity: PropTypes.number,
buttonWidth: PropTypes.number,
backgroundColor: PropTypes.string,
style: (ViewPropTypes || View.propTypes).style,
// Default Props
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
rowID: -1,
sectionID: -1,
disabled: false,
sensitivity: 50,
// Initial Prop State
getInitialState: function() {
return {
btnWidth: 0,
btnsLeftWidth: 0,
btnsRightWidth: 0,
contentPos: 0,
contentWidth: 0,
contentHeight: 0,
swiping: false,
timeStart: null,
tweenDuration: 160,
openedLeft: false,
openedRight: false,
autoClose: this.props.autoClose || false,
componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.close) {
this._close(null, false);
// Mounting
componentWillMount: function() {
this._panResponder = PanResponder.create({
onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (event, gestureState) => {
return true;
onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (event, gestureState) => {
return this.state.openedLeft || this.state.openedRight;
onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (event, gestureState) => {
return Math.abs(gestureState.dx) > this.props.sensitivity && Math.abs(gestureState.dy) <= this.props.sensitivity;
onShouldBlockNativeResponder: (event, gestureState) => {
return false;
onPanResponderTerminationRequest: () => {
return false;
onPanResponderGrant: this._handlePanResponderGrant,
onPanResponderMove: this._handlePanResponderMove,
onPanResponderRelease: this._handlePanResponderEnd,
onPanResponderTerminate: this._handlePanResponderEnd,
// Handle Pan Responser
_handlePanResponderGrant: function(e: Object, gestureState: Object) {
// If the swipeout is disabled, do nothing.
if (this.props.disabled) {
this.refs.swipeoutContent.measure((ox, oy, width, height) => {
let buttonWidth = this.props.buttonWidth || (width/5);
swiping: true, // Helps determine if the user is performing a swipe
timeStart: (new Date()).getTime(), // Helps determine a quick swipe.
btnWidth: buttonWidth, // The width of the button we might display.
btnsLeftWidth: this.props.left ? buttonWidth * this.props.left.length : 0,
btnsRightWidth: this.props.right ? buttonWidth * this.props.right.length : 0,
_handlePanResponderMove: function(e: Object, gestureState: Object) {
// If the swipeout is disabled, do nothing.
if (this.props.disabled) {
var posX = gestureState.dx;
var posY = gestureState.dy;
var leftWidth = this.state.btnsLeftWidth;
var rightWidth = this.state.btnsRightWidth;
// Compensate for an open swipeout.
if (this.state.openedRight) {
var posX = gestureState.dx - rightWidth;
else if (this.state.openedLeft) {
var posX = gestureState.dx + leftWidth;
// Attempt to notify if scrolling should be disabled.
if (this.props.scroll) {
if (Math.abs(posX) > Math.abs(posY)) {
else {
// If we are swiping to reveal hidden view.
if (this.state.swiping) {
// Move content to reveal swipeout in the correct direction.
if (posX < 0 && this.props.right) {
this.setState({ contentPos: Math.min(posX, 0) })
else if (posX > 0 && this.props.left) {
this.setState({ contentPos: Math.max(posX, 0) })
_handlePanResponderEnd: function(e: Object, gestureState: Object) {
// If the swipeout is disabled, do nothing.
if (this.props.disabled) {
var posX = gestureState.dx;
var contentPos = this.state.contentPos;
var contentWidth = this.state.contentWidth;
var btnsLeftWidth = this.state.btnsLeftWidth;
var btnsRightWidth = this.state.btnsRightWidth;
// Minimum threshold to open swipeout
var openX = contentWidth * 0.33;
// Should open swipeout
var openLeft = posX > openX || posX > btnsLeftWidth / 2;
var openRight = posX < -openX || posX < -btnsRightWidth / 2;
// Account for open swipeouts
if (this.state.openedRight) {
var openRight = posX-openX < -openX;
if (this.state.openedLeft) {
var openLeft = posX+openX > openX;
// Reveal swipeout on quick swipe gesture.
var timeDiff = (new Date()).getTime() - this.state.timeStart < 200;
if (timeDiff) {
var openRight = posX < -openX / 10 && !this.state.openedLeft;
var openLeft = posX > openX / 10 && !this.state.openedRight;
// If we are swiping
if (this.state.swiping) {
if (openRight && contentPos < 0 && posX < 0) {
this._open(-btnsRightWidth, 'right');
else if (openLeft && contentPos > 0 && posX > 0) {
this._open(btnsLeftWidth, 'left');
else {
this._close(this.state.openedLeft ? 'left' : 'right', true);
// Notify that its okay to scroll vertically again.
if (this.props.scroll) {
// Animation Manipulation
_tweenContent: function(state, endValue) {
this.tweenState(state, {
easing: tweenState.easingTypes.easeInOutQuad,
duration: endValue === 0 ? this.state.tweenDuration * 1.5 : this.state.tweenDuration,
endValue: endValue,
_rubberBandEasing: function(value, limit) {
if (value < 0 && value < limit) {
return limit - Math.pow(limit - value, 0.85);
else if (value > 0 && value > limit) {
return limit + Math.pow(value - limit, 0.85);
return value;
// Triggers
// Calls the onSwipe prop if it exists.
_onSwipe: function() {
if (this.props.onSwipe) {
this.props.onSwipe(this.props.sectionID, this.props.rowID);
// Calls the onClose prop if it exists.
// - side is the side that was closed.
_callOnClose: function(side) {
if (this.props.onClose) {
this.props.onClose(this.props.sectionID, this.props.rowID, side);
// Calls the onOpen prop if it exists.
// - side is the side that was opened.
_callOnOpen: function(side) {
if (this.props.onOpen) {
this.props.onOpen(this.props.sectionID, this.props.rowID, side);
// Actions
// Close swipeout on button press.
// - btn is the button that was pressed.
_autoClose: function(btn) {
if (this.state.autoClose) {
this._close(this.state.openedLeft ? 'left' : 'right', true);
if (btn.onPress) {
// Opens a row.
// - contentPos is the button's location.
// - direction is the side that was opened.
_open: function(contentPos, side) {
const left = side === 'left';
// Set the row to open
this._tweenContent('contentPos', contentPos);
openedLeft: left,
openedRight: !left,
swiping: false,
// Closes a row.
_close: function(side, trigger) {
// If it was already open, we call on close. (As we are visibly closing it)
if (trigger && (this.state.openedLeft || this.state.openedRight)) {
// Set the row to closed.
this._tweenContent('contentPos', 0);
openedRight: false,
openedLeft: false,
swiping: false,
// _openRight: function() {
// this.refs.swipeoutContent.measure((ox, oy, width, height) => {
// this.setState({
// btnWidth: (width/5),
// btnsRightWidth: this.props.right ? (width/5)*this.props.right.length : 0,
// }, () => {
// this._tweenContent('contentPos', -this.state.btnsRightWidth);
// //this._callOnOpen();
// this.setState({
// contentPos: -this.state.btnsRightWidth,
// openedLeft: false,
// openedRight: true,
// swiping: false
// });
// });
// });
// },
// _openLeft: function() {
// this.refs.swipeoutContent.measure((ox, oy, width, height) => {
// this.setState({
// btnWidth: (width/5),
// btnsLeftWidth: this.props.left ? (width/5)*this.props.left.length : 0,
// }, () => {
// this._tweenContent('contentPos', this.state.btnsLeftWidth);
// //this._callOnOpen();
// this.setState({
// contentPos: this.state.btnsLeftWidth,
// openedLeft: true,
// openedRight: false,
// swiping: false
// });
// });
// });
// },
// Render
render: function() {
var contentWidth = this.state.contentWidth;
var posX = this.getTweeningValue('contentPos');
var styleSwipeout = [styles.swipeout,];
if (this.props.backgroundColor) {
styleSwipeout.push([{ backgroundColor: this.props.backgroundColor }]);
var limit = -this.state.btnsRightWidth;
if (posX > 0) {
limit = this.state.btnsLeftWidth;
var styleLeftPos = {
left: {
left: 0,
overflow: 'hidden',
width: Math.min(limit*(posX/limit), limit),
var styleRightPos = {
right: {
left: Math.abs(contentWidth + Math.max(limit, posX)),
right: 0,
var styleContentPos = {
content: {
left: this._rubberBandEasing(posX, limit),
var styleContent = [styles.swipeoutContent];
var styleRight = [styles.swipeoutBtns];
var styleLeft = [styles.swipeoutBtns];
var isRightVisible = posX < 0;
var isLeftVisible = posX > 0;
return (
<View style={styleSwipeout}>
{ this._renderButtons(this.props.right, isRightVisible, styleRight) }
{ this._renderButtons(this.props.left, isLeftVisible, styleLeft) }
_onLayout: function(event) {
var { width, height } = event.nativeEvent.layout;
contentWidth: width,
contentHeight: height,
_renderButtons: function(buttons, isVisible, style) {
if (buttons && isVisible) {
<View style={style}>
{ }
else {
return (
_renderButton: function(btn, i) {
return (
onPress={() => this._autoClose(btn)}
Swipeout.NativeButton = NativeButton;
Swipeout.SwipeoutButton = SwipeoutBtn;
export default Swipeout;
possible solution:
onOpen={(sectionID, rowId, direction)=>{
if(this.state.isSwiped || !direction){
isSwiped: true,
swipeDirection: direction
// do your logic here
I don't think this.setState({})
is synchronous, so I'm not sure how reliable that would be.
@0xori solution worked for me. If you are worried about synchronicity, you can use the setState
onOpen = (_sectionID: number, _rowId: number, direction?: string) => {
if (this.state.isSwiped || !direction) {
isSwiped: true
}, this.handleSubmit);
onClose = () => {
if (this.state.isSwiped) {
isSwiped: false