react-infinite-scroller copied to clipboard
Add public method reset to force restart pagination
The PR is based on issue #190 and #12
when this update will be available?
@danbovey when will be available?
I'm with problem with infinite scroller too. This solution working for me. When will be available?
@danbovey @YIZHUANG let's release?
I need this
Workaround for this bug:
import React, { PureComponent, createRef } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import InfiniteScroller from 'react-infinite-scroller'
class InfiniteScroll extends PureComponent {
ref = createRef()
scrolltoTop = () => {
const scroll = this.ref.current.getParentElement(this.ref.current.scrollComponent)
scroll.scrollTop = 0
reset() {
if (this.ref && this.ref.current) {
this.ref.current.pageLoaded = this.ref.current.props.pageStart
render() {
return <InfiniteScroller ref={this.ref} key="scroller" {...this.props} />
InfiniteScroll.defaultProps = {
pageStart: 1
InfiniteScroll.propTypes = {
pageStart: PropTypes.number
export default InfiniteScroll
Any updates on this ?
is it release???
I also need this. The workaround throws a warning :( most likely because the react-infinite-scroller uses the ref as a prop which is wrong
My personal workaround was, that I built my own page counter as a wrapper and used the loadMore function to increment the page value. This solution is more flexible in terms of resetting and querying APIs.
hook + typescript
import React, { forwardRef, ForwardRefRenderFunction, useImperativeHandle, useRef } from "react";
import ReactInfiniteScroll from "react-infinite-scroller";
interface Props {
element?: string;
hasMore?: boolean;
initialLoad?: boolean;
isReverse?: boolean;
loadMore(page: number): void;
pageStart?: number;
threshold?: number;
useCapture?: boolean;
useWindow?: boolean;
loader?: React.ReactElement;
getScrollParent?(): HTMLElement | null;
const InfiniteScroll: ForwardRefRenderFunction<{ reset: () => void }, Props> = ({ children, ...props }, ref) => {
const scrollRef = useRef<ReactInfiniteScroll>();
const scrolltoTop = () => {
const scroll = scrollRef.current?.getParentElement(scrollRef.current.scrollComponent);
scroll && (scroll.scrollTop = 0);
const reset = () => {
if (scrollRef && scrollRef.current) {
scrollRef.current.pageLoaded = scrollRef.current.props.pageStart;
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
return (
<ReactInfiniteScroll ref={scrollRef} {...props}>
export default forwardRef(InfiniteScroll);