Dan Arthur
Dan Arthur
Also @Clovis-Portron where did you find the documentation for [markdowntopdf](http://markdowntopdf.com)? I have been looking for it and could only work out how to use it by looking at your code...
Hey @atilacamurca, did you ever get round to working on this issue? If not, then @gunar I am pretty busy at the moment but would love to see this as...
@atilacamurca @gunar I have some spare time now so I am working on a possible solution to this. I can easily obtain the `src` of the `` that Medium creates....
@gunar when you say add a second function, do you mean add a second function after `processElement`? Surely if we wrap `processElement` in an asynchronous function, the medium-parser library will...
Maybe it is time to think about drafting some ideas for a new major release then? A new promise-based API could be a good idea like you say, plus it...
I have created a new branch [DanielArthurUK/medium-parser@next](https://github.com/DanielArthurUK/medium-parser/tree/next) that exposes a promise-based API. I believe this will allow us to easily parse GitHub Gists!!
@gunar That's great news 👍 I am still working on this but if you could create a `next` branch in the meantime I can open a PR against it 🤓
@gunar I am not sure if this issue was still a priority, but I can create a basic `.travis.yml` file for the project in my next PR that just double...